No Smoking Day 2025: Smoking, an alcoholic beverage whose fans are millions of youth. Be it public transport or restaurants, people will be seen and smoke will be seen. Today, no smoking day is being celebrated all over the world, this day works to consume smoking and its side effects. This day is motivated to quit smoking. It is not known how your cigarette smoking is burning inside the body, but this day motivates smoking to remove from life. Today in this article, we are telling you about home remedies for quitting smoking which will prove to be effective for you.
The history of smoking prohibition day here is quite old. The purpose of celebrating this day was to encourage those who want to quit smoking. The initiative to celebrate this day took place in the United Kingdom in 1984. Apart from motivating people to quit smoking, this day is celebrated prominently worldwide. This day is celebrated on the second Wednesday in March. This day gives information to people about health and side effects on the body due to smoking. Programs are organized at many places on this day.
If you give information about no smoking day celebrated every year, then it is celebrated on 12 March. Every year the theme changes for this day. Smoking Prohibition Day 2025 this year is the theme of 2025, “Unmasking the appeal) no smoking day reminds us that it is possible to quit smoking and it can be extremely beneficial for our health. If you want healthy life, then you should quit smoking, we have to avoid it ourselves and motivate others as well.
Let me tell you that, smoking prohibition day is being celebrated every year as smoking or eating tobacco is increasing the risk of many serious diseases. Smoking can cause lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and respiratory problems. It affects not only the smokers but also the people around them, which is called passive smoking. The purpose of smoking prohibition day is to motivate people to stay away from this bad habit and live a healthy life.
Learn measures to free cigarette (hundred social media)
You can celebrate this smoking prohibition day on March 12, where there are a large number of people who need guidance. Try to share information to the ill effects of smoking at schools, colleges, workplace and public places on prohibition day. Apart from this, you can also give information about the dangers of tobacco through social media. You can also make people aware by putting posters and banners. You need to make efforts yourself to quit smoking here. Conduct seminars and workshops on the side effects of smoking. Take the help of a medical expert and counselor to create a better society.
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Cigarettes here have become addicted to your life and you want to eliminate this addiction, then you can use domestic or Ayurvedic tips. Regarding this, Dr. Nishant Singh says that smoking is also harmful for lungs as well as our heart, liver and kidney, so improve addiction ..
1- First recipe – If you feel like smoking cigarettes, then you should consume fennel and sugar candy. This may reduce your desire to smoke.
2- Second recipe Apart from this, whenever you feel like smoking cigarettes, boil raw turmeric, ginger and cloves in a cup of water. Then you sieve it and consume it in the morning and evening.
3- Third recipe – At the same time, when you feel like smoking, then consume cinnamon through tea, milk or water. This will also give you a lot of relief from this.
4-do yoga- To get rid of cigarette addiction, you should do Kapalbhati, Anulom-Antonym and Bhastrika posture. With this, you can easily overcome your cigarette addiction.