Exchange offers found on e-commerce platforms seem attractive to all. In Normally these offers, sites promise to give some discounts by exchanging old products with new products. By the way, many times customers can also benefit from exchange offers. But it is important to understand their truth. Here we will tell you how the sites offering exchange of 30 to 40 thousand rupees lure the customers.
Whenever an exchange offer is offered on a product. Many conditions are also added to him. You can see the exchange offer on the smartphone. In this, if you want to buy a brand new phone. If you are giving old phones for exchange offers, then the conditions of the platform are somewhat like this. Like your old phone should be working. There should be no scratch or dent of any kind on it. Sometimes only the smartphones of selected brand are accepted. If you do not read all these terms and condition carefully, then it can harm you.
Actually, most people in India change the phone only when there is some kind of malfunction in the phone. The phone's look has deteriorated. There is a problem of charging in the phone. In such a situation, if such a phone is given to get exchange offers for new phones, then no special value is available. Due to which the customer feels disappointed. Sometimes the phone is not accepted due to not being inside the terms.
Samsung A53 Exchange Value
Here, by showing an exchange offer of up to Rs 12,650, you are being given a value of Rs 3,090. Because the phone has a disorganization and more than 2 spots.
Some people have a habit of changing the phone again and again. For such people, exchange offers can prove to be beneficial. But the figure of such people is very low. Most people using Apple devices are able to take advantage of this. But in many cases, the exchange value of 75 thousand iPhone is offered to you only 12 thousand rupees. Which makes it very disappointed.
The value of the old device removes the e-commerce platform, which is often very low. For example, as you have an old phone, the value that the platform will give you can be much less than the market price.
Sometimes there is only a slight difference in the discount and the price of new product in the exchange offer. You do not get too much discount in real. In such offers, less value is imposed from the amount made on the screen.
If you have purchased a new device by gaining the benefit of the exchange offer. But later you do not like, then you may have trouble in returns and refund process. Especially when you have deposited the old product under the exchange. In such a situation, there may be a problem in returns.
Exchange offers available on e-commerce platforms can be beneficial. But before using them, there is a need to understand and watch carefully. It is necessary to read the conditions of the platform carefully. Apart from this, know the market value of old product in advance. With this you will be able to decide whether you are really being given a good discount or not.