Interview Tips: It is every candidate's goal to be successful in the interview, but some people try to fool the interviewer to hide their shortcomings or to make themselves look more capable. However, experienced interviewers immediately catch these tricks, which can spoil the image of the candidate and make his selection difficult. Let us know in what ways candidates usually try to confuse the interviewer and what is the right way to avoid it.
Are you also making these mistakes?
Trying to fool the interviewers during the interview is not beneficial in any way. Instead, if you adopt a positive attitude and present your reality, it will bring you success in the long run. Make the right decisions in every interview by keeping in mind your honesty and interview preparation.
Interview skills trainer Retired Colonel Sanjit Sirohi believes that when you go to an interview, one of the most important questions is "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" This question is asked because it is a way to know about you. If you know about your strengths and weaknesses correctly, then you will be able to give accurate information about yourself and it will also increase your confidence. But, there is a big problem here that most of the candidates give memorized answers and hide their real personalities. Because of this, they are rejected instead of being selected in the interview.
How to present your strengths and weaknesses in the interview
Retired Colonel Sanjit Sirohi said that since childhood we are often told that "you are not doing this right, you are not doing that right", but there are very few people who tell us about our strengths. This is the reason why we are not able to recognize our strengths. At the same time, we know about our weaknesses, but we do not tell them because we feel that if we tell them our weaknesses, the interviewer will reject us. Although it is not wrong to hide our weaknesses, we should present them in the right way. We should tell our weakness in such a way that it is not so serious, and it should also be shown that we are trying to improve it.
Many candidates give memorized answers.
He further said that many times we know about our weakness, but we are afraid to tell it. We think about what the other person will think if we start telling our weaknesses. So we hide it or give memorized answers, like "I trust people too much" or "I want everything to be perfect". Now, these things seem like strengths, but not as weaknesses. For example, if someone says "My weakness is that I trust people too much", then I say, "This is a strength, not your weakness." Similarly, "I want everything to be perfect" is also not a weakness. It is just your way of thinking.
Trying to confuse the interviewer
If you want to tell your weakness, then tell it honestly. For example, if you say "My weakness is that I am a little lazy or I feel hesitant sometimes", then it is not wrong to tell it. But if you also add "I am trying my best to improve it", then your weakness ends on a positive note. This means that you accept your weakness and are trying to improve it, which is a great strength.
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