If you want a dense and beautiful jaggery plant, put these green cheese, flowers will blossom and leaves will remain green
News Update March 13, 2025 02:24 PM

Those people who are fond of planting trees in their homes, they definitely plant jaggery plant in their home. Large glowing flowers of jaggery look very beautiful. These flowers are also known as Goddess flowers and red flowers. In the village, jaggery plant is found in every house, people living in the city also go to the nursery and buy the plant and then plant in the roof or balcony of their house.

As the weather changes, we should also change the way to take care of plants. Many times, despite taking good care, insects are applied in the plants, to get rid of this problem, we bring various types of pesticides from the nursery and the market but still there is no difference.

Plant care of jaggery

Due to insects, the plant withers, flowers stop blossoming, as well as damage to the bosses blossomed. In such a situation, why neither a pesticide spray should be prepared at home, it will not take long to prepare it, nor can you prepare it for just five rupees. Let us then know how it is prepared.

Do you know that green chilli solution is considered very beneficial to keep jaggery plants green and healthy. Actually, green chillies contain ingredients that help to keep insects and poles away from plants, let's understand how to prepare it step by step.

How to prepare Spray (Hibiscus Plant Care)

  • To prepare this solution, you do not have to do much, use green chillies kept in the kitchen of the house, if the green chill was not in a gel, that you can buy green chillies of 5 rupees.
  • These chillies have to be grinded well in the mixer. Then it has to add at least 1-2 liters of water.
  • Now this spray is ready, you can use it for jaggery plants. Keep in mind that this spray is to be put in the roots as well as if you see insects on the leaves, then you can also put it there.

Benefits of chili spray

This solution gives plants not one but many benefits. The first advantage is that insects stay away from the use of this goal. The second advantage is that the nutrients found in chili help in increasing the plants. The third advantage is that this solution also strengthens the leaves and stems. The fourth advantage is that this solution controls the fungus or infection in the plants and helps in eliminating from the root. You can use this solution twice a week, if the plant does not have much insects, then you can use it thrice a month.


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