According to international news media, decades-old scandals of female prison guards in Britain have surfaced again. In the last four years, the administration has fired more than 40 female guards. A heated debate has erupted everywhere as questions are being raised on the security system of the country. The crime rate inside prisons has increased threefold in a few years.
26-year-old prison guard Katie Evans has been sentenced to 21 months in prison after being found guilty of sexually abusing prisoners. Investigation revealed that she called a criminal imprisoned in a theft case 140 times. She transferred money to another bank account. Not only Katie, many other female guards were also involved in sexually abusing prisoners. They used to tear the clothes of prisoners and many other crimes keep happening inside the prison, which the police and administration did not know about for many decades.
Not only Katie, many other women guards also used to fulfill their sexual desires with the prisoners. They used to tear the clothes of prisoners in such a way that the prisoner would be forced to do so. They used to silently enter the jail, fulfill their sexual desires and then leave. Many prisoners also used to have physical relations with each other. This opportunity was provided by the women guards themselves. The guards used to take thousands of rupees from the prisoners to fulfill their sexual desires. After the case came to light, the police have started an investigation against 40 women guards.