In today's digital age, smartphones have become an important part of our life. But do you know that its White light (blue light) Can you negatively affect your memory? Many recent researches have revealed that white-blue light emanating from mobile and other digital screen Can affect the functioning of the brainWhich causes memory to weaken.
Limit mobile usageEspecially 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Night mode (blue light filter) turn on So that the effect of white light coming out of the screen is reduced.
Adopt 20-20-20 rules – See 20 feet away for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes.
have a good sleep And reduce screen time.
Exercise brain Such as solving puzzles, reading books, meditating.
If you too are increasing the habit of forgetting or finding it difficult to focus, limit the use of mobiles and relax your brain. Digital detox is necessary to maintain memory!