The tradition of drinking cannabis in festivals like Holi and Mahashivaratri in India has been going on for centuries. Especially in cities like Varanasi, Mathura, Lucknow and Kanpur, people consider it a part of religious and cultural tradition. The intoxication of cannabis is such that a person keeps laughing, starts dancing or sometimes weeping. But have you ever got a question in your mind that what is the effect of drinking cannabis on the body? Do they just enjoy or have any serious threats from its consumption? Let's know about it-
There is a belief in Hinduism about cannabis that it was born during the churning of the ocean. Along with religious faith, it has also been used medicinal. When cannabis reaches the body, it directly affects the level of dopamine hormone in the brain. Dopamine is called 'Happy Hormone', because it makes humans feel happy and experience. As it increases its intoxication, it accelerates brain activities and can force the person to laugh or dance more. Under its influence, the person's ability to think and understand is affected, which can sometimes take the form of addiction, which can cause serious health problems.
In the form of smoking – If the cannabis is drunk through cigarettes or bidis, then it starts to show the effect in a few seconds by rapidly absorbed through the lungs.
In the form of cold-If cannabis is taken in cold, sweets or other food and drink, then its effect starts to appear within 30 minutes to 1 hour.
As the intoxication of cannabis increases, the person's brain becomes excessively active, which can also cause confusion, imbalance and sometimes hallucination.
Can cannabis be fatal?
According to the webmd report, cannabis is also used in many medicines, but if it is taken in more than 50mg, it can have a serious effect on the body.
Although the chances of direct death are less due to cannabis intoxication, but it can prove to be extremely dangerous for heart patients. There have been cases of cases in the report, where excessive consumption of cannabis caused a heart attack and the patient died.
Consuming cannabis without medical advice can be dangerous.
People struggling with heart, lungs, high blood pressure (BP) or mental illness should avoid taking it.
It can cause mental and physical problems when hemp is addicted.