The festival of Holi brings a lot of happiness and fun with it. In this festival, everyone gets different energy inside, people who are in the diet and those who take care of their skin and hair well, they also forget to make some mistakes by forgetting this day.
Sweets, fried roasted things and plenty of sweet colds are not eaten at the time of festivals, as well as how much you try, the skin and hair are also very bad, this trouble increases even more in the festival of Holi. But this does not mean that Holi should not be played in the festival of Holi, today we are going to tell you some such tips, with the help of which you can play Holi in a safe way and take care of yourself, so let's know without delay.
People often forget to keep themselves hydrated during festivals, especially when the festival is of Holi, people play fiercely on this festival, there is a lot of Bhagam, it is very important to keep themselves hydrated. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, in addition to water, you can drink energy drinks, such as basil drinks, coconut water, lemon water etc. By drinking these things, your body will be hydrated, you will not get tired quickly, as well as the risk of falling ill after playing Holi will also be removed.
During the festivals, excessively sweet and fried comes in the food. But by taking excessive consumption of these things, the body starts reacting wrongly, in such a situation it is important that you consume green vegetables, water fruits like watermelon, kharmuj, orange pineapple etc. Must include yogurt in food, in this way you will be able to keep yourself healthy.
The most important is to feel mentally relaxed to reset yourself. After many, there is fatigue in the festivals of festivals, in such a situation, it emerges as a challenge to take care of God, do this breathing exercise, do meditation, extra calory burn, then you will feel stress free. In this way you will be able to take care of yourself.
Often we are not able to get enough sleep due to making various types of dishes, joining the party, and having fun. All people must get 7-8 hours of quality sleep at night. By completing sleep, the body is recharged, fatigue is removed, and we feel refreshed since morning.
Eat coffee and tea as much as possible. Avoid alcohol, as these things can increase dehydration in the body. Avoid bathing with lukewarm water, apply sunscreen, apply oil to the hair, as soon as the hair is dirty, wash them with mild shampoo. By taking care of these things, you can make your Holi festival even more special and safe.