Shoulder Pain Causes and Effective Remedies : Nowadays, pain in the shoulders has become a common problem. Especially for those who work on computers for a long time, sit incorrectly, lift heavy weight or are negligent in physical activities. This problem is sometimes mild, but sometimes it can also take a serious form.
To avoid pain in the shoulders, it is necessary to adopt the right lifestyle, regular exercise, proper nutrition and the right body posture. If the pain is mild then yoga, massage and home remedies can get relief. But if this problem remains constant, then it becomes necessary to consult a doctor. With the right care and precautions you can get rid of the pain of shoulders forever, but it is necessary that the problem is not ignored.
There can be many causes of shoulders pain, in which wrong body posture is one of the main causes. Sitting or standing for a long time increases the pressure on the muscles of the shoulders, which can cause this problem. Similarly, excessive use of laptops or computers is also a major reason for increasing tension in the shoulders. Continuous viewing on the screen and using the keyboard at the wrong height can harden the shoulders.
Lifting heavy weight is also a major cause of shoulders pain. In the gym, doing wrong exercises or lifting heavy items, there is additional pressure on the muscles, causing pain and inflammation problems. In addition, muscle strain can also be an important cause of shoulders pain. The muscles may be affected due to sudden shock, wrongly sleeping or any injury.
Arthritis is also a common cause of shoulders pain. Arthritis or other problems of joints can affect shoulder movement, causing a person to experience severe pain and stiffness. Frozen shoulder is a condition in which the dynamics of the shoulders decrease and the pain gradually increases. This problem is especially seen in those who use their hands less for a long time. In addition, tendinitis can also cause pain in the shoulders. It causes swelling in muscles and tendons, which can cause problems ranging from mild to severe pain.
1. Follow the correct body position
Keep the computer screen at the eye level.
Keep the back straight while sitting and standing.
Use a pillow that gives the right support to the neck and shoulders at bedtime.
2. Stretching and Exercise
Pendulum Stretch: Turn the hand round like a light swing.
Cross-body stretch: Stretch one hand to the other side and stretch.
Rotator Cuff Stretch: Stand with the help of the wall and rotate the shoulders.
Yogasana: By doing Bhujangasana, Gomukhasana and Tadasana, the flexibility of the shoulders increases.
3. Light massage and warm coil
Hot Sikai: Use light warm towels or heating pads to reduce swelling and stiffness.
Snow cuisine: Apply ice for 10–15 minutes to reduce pain and inflammation.
Ayurvedic oil massage: Massage with sesame, coconut or mustard oil improves blood circulation.
4. Take care of catering
Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Turmeric, ginger, garlic and cinnamon help reduce inflammation.
Take a diet rich in protein and calcium: Milk, cheese, green vegetables and almonds make bones strong.
Drink enough water: Dehydration can cause tightness in the muscles.
5. Reduce stress and get enough sleep
Do meditation and pranayama: It helps in reducing mental and physical stress.
Get a good sleep of 7-8 hours: This causes the body recovery rapidly.
Take a work brake: Take a 5-10 minute break every hour and do light stretching.
Light pain in the shoulders can usually cure home remedies, regular exercise and the right lifestyle. But if this pain persists for a long time, it is increasing or repeatedly, then it should not be ignored. If home remedies, massage, hot-clock and exercise are not getting relief, then it can be a sign of a serious problem. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a physiotherapist or orthopedic doctor.
(Disclaimer : This article is based on information received from various sources. We do not confirm this. Consult a specialist before adopting any remedy.)