Toxic Relationships: Since childhood, we all have a habit of having options. For example, in our pencil box, we always used to keep two pen (Pen) that if one does not work, then the other will come. He used to choose one of the best (BEST) by going to the market. The habit of keeping this option is fine for the physical world, but this formula does not work in relationships. You should be completely special for whom you are special. Along with love in relationships, dedication is equally important.
Dumping someone or dumping by someone is both different situations. But now let's talk about a situation which is more dangerous than these conditions. That is to be an option for someone's love life. Looks strange, don't you? But consider if you have not seen such a phase, then many people will meet you around you. (Love Life issues)
You are emotionally connected to someone. Not just connected, love him. But she is crazy for someone else. Whenever he has a fight with that person or there is any problem in his relationship, he needs you. This is fine in the same situation when your relationship is of friendship. If the relationship is ahead of friendship, it is not right. (Being an option in a relationship)
Emotionally, nothing worse is felt as it is like an option in one's life. Because in this situation your relationship depends on the mood and relationship of another person. Everything is fine in his life, then you are absent for him and if there is a problem in his life, then you have his second option. In this situation, you are not a vacant support like a friend, but you are a stand by romantic option. Like you say that if nothing is right, you are right. (Relationship Advice)
In this situation, while controlling your emotional weaknesses, you should ask yourself the question, what do you want from this relationship? What is your own dreams? What will you do in that situation or how will you feel, when the partner who uses you like an option will leave you alone and be busy in your life?
This is the best way to come out of this situation, walking. Knowing new things by meeting new people. In this new beginning, you will start realizing how important you are. How else will give you value, when you have not given yourself a value. Understand the importance of yourself, you will become important. (Moving on from a bad relationship)