Benefits of curd in summer season: While the summer season has started, with the increase in temperature in this season, many health problems also occur. It is very important to have such a diet in this season, which keeps our body cool and keeps our digestive system normal. In this case, you can consume yogurt.
Consumption of yogurt is considered very beneficial for health. Yogurt, better digestion, better immunity and bones are very beneficial in strengthening.
If you consume yogurt for breakfast in the morning, then you can have many benefits. Let us tell you that if you are eating curd for breakfast in the morning, then how can it affect your health.
Benefits of eating 1 bowl of curd in the morning:
Immunity is strong
Eating 1 bowl of curd in the morning makes the immunity strong. Yogurt is rich in vitamin C, which increases your immune cells and can also help you to protect against many diseases. Apart from this, eating yogurt also prevents seasonal diseases like flu etc.
Keeps bones strong
Eating curd in the morning makes bones strong. This provides calcium, phosphorus and protein in the body. This nutrient is good for bone health. Eating curd for breakfast also provides relief in arthritis disease.
Stomach problems
Eating curd in the morning also removes stomach problems. If you have digestive problems, eating yogurt in the morning can be very beneficial for you. In summer, taking curd in breakfast every morning keeps the stomach cool and many stomach problems are cured.
Beneficial in high blood pressure
Consumption of yogurt is beneficial for high blood pressure patients. Actually, yogurt contains a good amount of magnesium which can help you control BP. One of its special things is that the blood cooles the blood cells from the inside and helps in controlling BP.
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PH is helpful in balance
Consuming curd keeps the body's pH balance. The most special thing about yogurt is that it contains lactobacillus bacteria which corrects microbial balance. Microbial balance improves due to antioxidants and probiotic content in yogurt. It helps in digestion as well as help in balance the pH of the body.