Skin Benefits of Castor Oil: Castor oil -rich in medicinal properties, castor oil, has been used for health problems in addition to the skin since the era of grandmother grandmother. Castor oil is also used in many products and in Ayurveda it is described as full of many properties.
Let me tell you, castor oil is rich in anti-bacterial and anti fungal properties, which has been done for health problems, in addition to skin problems such as facial acne, stains and wrinkles. Let us know what are the benefits of skin and health by applying this oil and how to use it.
Castor oil benefits from skin to health
Beneficial for skin
Castor oil rich in medicinal properties, ie castor oil is very beneficial for skin. It gives moisture and nutrition to the skin, which makes your skin soft and the face looks young. You can apply it directly on the skin, or you can apply it mixed with oil with a moisturizing properties.
Beneficial for hair
Castor oil is also beneficial for hair. After massaging the hair with castor oil, shampoo should be done after at least two hours. If you apply it regularly, hair loss is also reduced and growth is also better.
Relief from joint pain
Let me tell you, massage with castor oil also provides relief from joint pain and swelling. It should be planted lukewarm. These oils are rich in antiinfulatory properties, so massaging it also helps in reducing inflammation of muscles and feels relaxed.
Relief from constipation
Consumption of castor oil also provides relief from constipation. For this, do it with lukewarm milk before going to bed at night. Consume it in limited quantity, otherwise the problem can also occur.
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Caster oil intake other benefits
Consumption of castor oil causes immunity boost, benefits for the eyes and also reduces hair dandruff and also increases glow. Apart from this, castor oil is also helpful in preventing fine lines and wrinkles.