Tea is not just a drink, but a feeling in India. From the first chuski of the morning to the eradication of the evening fatigue, tea is an important part of every Indian's life. But have you ever wondered what is the right way to make tasty tea? A question that often comes to the mind of people, is that while making tea, first milk should be added or water? Surprisingly, 99 percent of people make a mistake in this small thing, which makes the tea taste deteriorate. Come, today we tell you the right way to make tea (right way to make tea), so that your tea becomes wonderful every time.
The art of making tea varies from every house. If someone adds ginger to it, someone increases the fragrance with cardamom. But the real taste of tea depends on how you use milk and water in it. Most people heat water first while making tea, then add tea leaves to it and finally add milk. But is this method correct? Tea experts believe that doing so prevents the taste of tea from emerging completely. His advice is that to make tea perfect, first water and milk should be mixed in the right proportion, then it should boil and add tea leaves.
Now the question arises, what difference does it make to add milk first? According to experts, when you first boil the water and add milk later, the sweetness of the milk and the pungency of the tea leaves cannot be found well. This causes the taste of tea to become unbalanced taste. At the same time, if you heat water and milk together first, then the mixture of both is uniform. After this, adding tea leaves brings both its color and taste better. This method is especially effective when you want to make thick and strong tea.
This method of making tea can be beneficial not only for taste, but also for health. When milk and water are mixed first, the antioxidants of protein and tea leaves present in milk dissolve better. This not only makes tea delicious, but also increases its nutritious value. However, some people believe that adding milk first can burst tea. It is advisable that you use fresh milk and keep the heat medium, so that the milk mixes well with water.
Tea Tradition is different in every field in India. For example, in Maharashtra, people first boil tea leaves in water, then add milk, while in Punjab, milk is boiled first and tea is added to it. But if you really want to enjoy a perfect tea, then try this method next time. First put water and milk in a pan in the ratio of 2: 1, then heat it lightly. After this, add tea leaves, sugar and spices of your choice and boil it. Finally filter and drink and feel the difference yourself.
This small change can take your tea to the next level. Whether you are making morning tea or evening tea for guests, this method will be successful every time. So next time you sit down to make tea, consider whether to add milk or water first. 99 percent of people may make tea wrongly, but now you can enjoy a cup delicious tea correctly. Make your tea story better and feel the magic of taste in every sip.