Two zodiac signs experience powerful abundance on March 16, 2025, a lucky day for the self-motivators, the go-getters, and the initiators of the zodiac. This morning, Mars in emotionally driven Cancer squares the Moon in Libra, a cardinal clash that demands that we balance raw emotion and polished poise between the deep, gut-level instinct that drives us to protect what’s ours and the social grace that tells us to play nice.
Mars isn’t exactly comfortable in Cancer. Mars is the warrior planet, and actions are often driven by deep emotions rather than direct assertion when in the sign of the nurturer. Instead of charging ahead, there’s a tendency to express desires indirectly, relying on timing, intuition and subtle influence to make an impact. The Moon in Libra, similarly, wants everything to be pleasing, harmonious, and non-confrontational. But this square creates a necessary tension.
Abundance today manifests through recalibrating our soft power, recognizing where we’ve been compromising too much or resisting collaboration out of emotional stubbornness. Libra might be the sign of balance, but with Saturn as its co-ruler, it’s also the sign of strategy. And Mars in Cancer? It doesn’t wait around for permission. It acts on impulse, like a child screaming gimme, gimme, gimme for their favorite toy, who might just remember to say thank you afterward.
This square asks you to be honest about what you want and stop dancing around the subject. Perhaps you’ve been holding back from demanding your worth because you don’t want to rock the boat. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that keeping the peace is more important than getting what’s yours. Not anymore.
This transit reminds us that abundance isn’t just about what we attract; it’s about what we’re willing to fight for. Sometimes, that means making bold moves that disrupt the illusion of harmony. Sometimes, it means realizing that fairness isn’t about keeping things even — it’s about ensuring everyone, including you, receives the abundance they deserve.
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Libra, the universe is setting the table today, pouring the perfect glass of demi-sec and waiting for you to make your grand entrance, so why hesitate? With the Moon in your sign, the spotlight (or should we say moonlight) is all on you! The universe pushes you to step forward, embrace a fresh start, and express yourself boldly. Your charm is working overtime, and the energy you put into the world comes back tenfold, like a perfectly timed compliment.
Libra, today is the day for you to make bold, strategic moves, whether refining your diplomatic approach, rejuvenating your aesthetic or using your networking prowess to bring a Venusian vision to life. The little tweaks you make now — swapping out the old for the new, elevating your brand, embracing a creative passion — could set off a ripple effect, attracting new opportunities and the right people to support your journey. If inspiration strikes, follow it.
Your emotions are heightened right now, and any creative inspiration you feel now has the potential to flourish. So trust your instincts and start something new — you never know where one bold decision could lead. Today, the universe reminds us that abundance flows where elegance and intention meet.
Success isn’t just flirting with you — waiting for you to make the first move. Today’s Moon-Mars square urges you to advocate for yourself with the grace and finesse only a Libra can pull off. Whether launching a project, stepping into leadership, or pursuing self-employment, the cosmos remind you that your value isn’t up for negotiation.
Your ability to captivate and influence others is at its peak, and when used intentionally, this energy can help you make a lasting impression. Libra may be the sign of balance, but with Saturn as your co-ruler, you’re also a strategy master. So trust your instincts and turn connections into opportunities. When you take ownership of your path, abundance will follow.
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Cancer, abundance starts from within, and today, the universe is guiding you to fortify your emotional foundation. With the Moon in Libra and Mars in your sign, the cosmos pulls you inward, asking you to reflect on the sense of harmony and stability you create for yourself, how you channel your drive, and how you navigate the fire beneath your waves.
This Moon-Mars square urges you to trace the rhythm of your emotions, recognize the sanctuary you’ve built within, and steady the waters that will carry you forward. The more you nurture a home that feels like a safe harbour — where your heart and spirit feel held — the more abundance will flow to you, just as the tides follow the Moon.
Your home — the physical space and the emotional sanctuary you’ve cultivated — is the key to your success today. When you feel supported, everything else aligns. The universe is asking you to finally set aside diplomatic combat, nurture your inner world, and set intentions that resonate most with your inner fire. The energy you invest in creating stability now will ripple into every aspect of your life, and begin attracting abundance in the relationships, places, and experiences you cherish most.
Like a fierce mother bear protecting her cubs, you feel more empowered to assert yourself. Your instincts are sharp, and nothing will take what is yours. You’re ready to take charge of your life with an emotionally grounded strength that cultivates the security you yearn for. You’re in a stage of reinforcing your foundation, advancing personal goals that truly matter, and stepping up in relationships where you may have previously held back, like a crab finally staking its territory.
Your sense of self-worth strengthens, and your decisive actions pave the way for the emotionally rich, deeply fulfilling life you’ve always craved. Trust that when you create a strong inner world, the outer world follows — and abundance is already making its way to you.
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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.