Health Tips: The whole country is drowned in the color of Holi. Everyone is wishing each other a lot of Holi by applying color to each other. People do fierce food along with colors in this festival. People eat Gujia, cold, pakoras.
Let me tell you, many times people eat so much enthusiasm that there is a problem of overating. There is a problem of stomach gas, acidity. In such a situation people start getting nervous, but there is no need to get upset. In such a situation, let us tell you some easy and effective ways today, by adopting which you can make your body light and energetic again.
Overting has been done on Holi, then adopt these methods:
Drink plenty of water
Drink plenty of water to avoid overating. Many times people often forget to drink water in the excitement of the festival, due to which there is lethargy and laziness in the body. In such a situation, you should drink more water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water, so that the body remains hydrated and extra oil and spices can come out.
Get plenty of sleep
In the festival of Holi, people wake up till late night, due to which the body does not get rest. In such a situation, if possible, wake up a little late day. Complete at least 8 hours of sleep, so that the body can recover itself.
Eat light and healthy food
Many times people eat so much enthusiasm in festivals that there is a problem of overating. If you have eaten fierce food on Holi, then take light and healthy food for the next few days. Especially avoid eating fried, more sweet and spicy. In such a situation, consuming khichdi, porridge, curd-rice, soup or green vegetables can be beneficial for you.
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Light exercise and walk
Light exercise and walk must be done to avoid overating. If you are feeling heaviness from the night of the festival. If laziness or lethargy is coming, then start doing light walk or yoga. This will burn extra calories of the body and will return energy.