Exam anxiety: As soon as the exam time comes, many students feel nervous and stress. This condition is called 'Exam Enjoy', which can affect both mental and physically. Heartbeat is intensifying, hands and feet are cold, not focusing and decreasing confidence are its common symptoms. This problem is not only limited to school or college students, but youths preparing for competitive examinations also struggle with it.
According to experts, the exam angel is mainly due to pressure, fear of failure and self-doubt. However, this can be controlled by the right techniques and a positive attitude. In this article, we will learn you about the causes of exam enzyme and effective measures to deal with it.
Fear of failure: Many students think that if they are unable to perform well then their future can be spoiled. This increases mental pressure enzymes.
Excessive expectations: Excessive expectations of parents, teachers or society can also increase stress. When a student thinks that he has to top him, he feels more pressure.
Inadequate preparation: If studies are not completed on time, then the nervousness increases when the examination comes near.
Sleep and food ignoring: During the preparation of the exam, sleep is not complete and not getting the right nutrition also increases mental stress.
Negative thinking and self-doubt: "I will not be able to do it" These "I won't remember anything" Like negative thinking can also be a major cause of enzyme.
Do good planning: Start studies on time and make an effective time table for the exam. Management of time correctly will reduce nervousness.
Maintain positive thinking: Trust yourself and develop positive thinking. Imagine success and maintain confidence.
Use relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation and doing yoga brings mental peace and reduces stress.
Get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet: Lack of sleep affects concentration, so take at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Take a healthy diet, which includes protein, vitamins and minerals.
Do mock tests and revision: Giving mock test before the exam increases confidence and helps to understand the exam pattern.
Share your feilings: If the enzyt is getting too much, then talk to friends, parents or teachers. Sometimes sharing your feelings reduces stress.
Disclaimer: This article is based on media reports, JBT does not confirm it.