– Two men's habits can increase the risk of cancer while making a relationship.
– More chances of cancer in men who smoke and alcohol.
– Researchers studied over 5,000 men.
– Healthy lifestyle and precautions can reduce the risk of cancer.
– Experts warned, change these habits in time.
Do you know that some habits of men can push them towards serious diseases while making a relationship? A recent research has revealed that the risk of cancer increases greatly among men who consume smoking and alcohol while forming a relationship. This research is not only shocking but also a warning for men. Come, let us know in detail about this research and understand how the risk of cancer can be avoided by changing these habits.
Research conducted by a recent prestigious health institute revealed that smoking and alcohol consumption at the time of creating a relationship is much higher than other men. Researchers studied over 5,000 men and found that those who consume smoking or alcohol while forming relationships are more likely to have lungs, mouth and throat cancer.
According to research, the amount of toxins in the body of men who smoke and consume alcohol increases, which damage cells and can cause cancer.
Nicotine and other harmful chemicals accumulate in the lungs of smokers. These chemicals harm cells and can make them cancerous. According to the researchers, smoking increases the risk by smoking while creating a relationship because during this time the blood flows in the body intensifies and toxins spread rapidly.
Men who consume alcohol are at greater risk of liver and mouth cancer. Alcohol produces a harmful chemical called acetaldehyde in the body, which damages DNA and can cause cancer. This effect is deepened by consuming alcohol while creating a relationship.
Researchers say that if men leave these habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle, the risk of cancer can be reduced to a great extent. Here are some remedies:
1. Quit smoking: Quitting smoking not only reduces the risk of cancer but also improves lungs and heart health.
2. Limit alcohol intake: If it is necessary to drink alcohol, then take it in limited quantity.
3. Take a healthy diet: Fruits, vegetables and fiber -rich diets reduce the risk of cancer.
4. Exercise regularly: Exercising 30 minutes daily increases body immunity.
5. Get regular checks: Cancer can be detected in the initial stage by conducting health check-ups from time to time.
After this research, health experts have warned men to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol while making a relationship. Dr. Rajesh Sharma, a famous oncologist, says, “Smoking and alcohol consumption can not only cause cancer but also weakens the body's immunity. Men should leave these habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle. ”
This research is a major warning for men. Smoking and consumption of alcohol increases the risk of cancer while making a relationship. If you are also a victim of these habits, then leave them in time and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Give priority to your health and get regular checks. If you find this information useful, share it with your friends and family. Also, comment below and tell what you think about this research.
1. Is it safe to smoke while creating a relationship?
No, smoking increases the risk of cancer.
2. How can alcohol consumption cause cancer?
Alcohol produces harmful chemicals in the body, which damage DNA.
3. What to do to reduce the risk of cancer?
Smoke and leave alcohol, have a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
4. Does this research apply only to men?
Yes, this research is particularly focused on men.
5. How many times should the cancer should be tested?
Healthy persons should conduct regular checks once a year.