Bristol: Blood donation is always one Service to humanity It is believed, but can it be beneficial for blood donors too? Francis Crick Institute of London According to the latest research of, Regular blood donation By doing Cancer and heart disease The risk of serious diseases may be reduced.
Research found that by repeated donation of blood Genetic change Which are Leukemia (blood cancer) Can reduce the risk of.
in study Over 60 years of age Two groups of compared to: 1ager First group – People who donate blood three times a year for 40 years. 2 Second group – People who donate blood only five times.
genetic in both groups Mutation The number was the same, but repeated blood donors 50% people I was found to have mutations which were not associated with cancer, while this number is only among those who donate low blood 30% Was.
It was found in the laboratory that Blood donor stem cell more efficiently red blood cells Can produce in the body Healthy blood cells Keeps up.
By donating blood Danger of heart disease Can also be reduced.
Blood donation causes blood thinCauses the heart to Pump more effectively Helps in
त्रिवद्ति Blood clot (clotting) and high blood pressure Reduces the risk of Stroke and heart attack The possibility of can decrease.
Regular blood donation Iron level controlled Lives, Oxidative stress And Swelling Is less.
Some research also suggests that Improves insulin sensitivity with blood donation May be Type-2 diabetes The risk of may be reduced.
In people with high blood pressure Keep blood pressure stable Blood donation can be helpful in.
Every donor before donating blood Health check Is done, which includes the following tests: Blood pressure check
Hemoglobin level investigation
Infectious diseases check
This process is one Initial warning system Can work as a person potential Health problems address May be already seen.
Are these health benefits only caused by blood donation, or is it only a healthy donor effect?
Some blood donors Health standards Have to fulfill.
usually they Already healthy person There are, it is not clear how much the direct effect of blood donation is.
However, research indicates that Repeated blood donation improves stem cell quality It happens.
Although this study is in the initial stageBut it is clear that blood donation only one Not only philanthropist can be beneficial for health, but can also be beneficialIts risk of cancer and heart disease Possibility quite promising Is.