Home Remedies: Fennel full of medicinal properties plays an important role in the Indian kitchen. It is used a lot from sweet to salty dishes. Often you have seen that fennel is given to food after meals. In fact, fennel has many medicinal properties, which can help you in removing many types of stomach problems while keeping digestion right.
Fennel is considered a powerful medicine. Which not only improves digestion, but also provides coolness to the body. In such a situation, let us know how much benefits your stomach can have by eating a teaspoon of fennel.
Know the benefits of eating a teaspoon of fennel:
Relief from gas and acidity
Often, eating more spicy or fried things causes gas and acidity problems in the stomach. Fennel has anti-acidic properties, which control stomach acids and relieve gas problems. If you chew a teaspoon of fennel after eating food, it cools the stomach and improves digestion.
Relief from constipation
Regular intake of fennel removes constipation problem. It contains fiber which maintains the speed of the intestines correct. If you have constipation problem. So take one teaspoon of fennel powder with lukewarm water before going to bed at night. This will help clean the intestines and the stomach will remain light in the morning.
The smell of breath will be removed
Let me tell you, regular intake of fennel is not only stomach, fennel is also effective in removing the smell of your breath. It eliminates bacteria in the mouth and gives freshness. This is the reason why fennel is given after eating in many restaurants.
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This is how to consume fennel:
After eating: Chew a teaspoon of fennel after daily meals.
Fennel tea: Boil fennel in water and drink it like tea.
Fennel powder: Grind fennel and take it with warm water.