Mouth smell is a common problem, which can occur due to many reasons. Often this problem is caused by food, teeth cleaning, or disturbances of the digestive system. Eating sharp foods like onion and garlic can also increase this problem.
The smell of the mouth after eating sweet is also a common problem. Excessive intake of sugar increases bacteria in the mouth, causing bad odor. Sweet foods can get stuck between the teeth, which over time gives the bacteria a chance to flourish and it causes smell.
Cavity (teeth decay) can also be a major cause. When we do not brush regularly, small particles of food get stuck in the teeth and start rotting. This rot promotes bacteria, causing bad odor from the mouth. This problem can become more severe if not taken proper care of teeth.
Fennel seeds are naturally rich in anti-bacterial properties, which help in removing the smell of the mouth. Chewing fennel keeps the freshness of the mouth and it is also helpful in digestion.
The smell of the mouth is a common problem, but it can be controlled by changing the right care and food.