There are few things worse than having bad neighbors, especially when you live in an apartment. It can make you feel like a prisoner in your own home and like you have no real refuge. But there is one thing worse — far, far worse — and it’s the experience a woman on TikTok is having at her new apartment.
Personally, I would simply walk out into the sea and let the depths claim me, but this woman, named Rayna Jeanis clearly more resilient. She recently took to TikTok to tell her “story about my psycho ex-neighbor who is still torturing me to this day.”
It all began in 2021 when Rayna Jean and her husband moved into an apartment above a woman named Mary Kay who became an instant problem — but like, an INSTANT problem.
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Now we all know that upstairs neighbors are the loudest people on the planet, whether they intend to be or not. Studies have shown that all persons living in upstairs apartments have hooves, not feet, vocal cords that only operate at scream decibels, and eardrums that evolved differently than the rest of us, resulting in hearing so poor that their televisions must operate at top volume and connected to a bullhorn aimed directly at the apartment below them at all times. This is settled science.
Be that as it may, there are some kinds of noise that simply cannot be avoided, and Mary Kay? Well let’s just say her standards are patently insane. Rayna Jean said the complaints began literally while they were moving in — doing so too loudly, apparently.
It escalated that summer when she and her husband got one of those stand-alone A/C units. The vibration was apparently so loud Mary Kay couldn’t take it. She would beat on the ceiling any time they operated it and come knock on their door to complain.
Then, she started beating on the ceiling any time Rayna Jean or her husband did ANYTHING at all — just walking would set her off. They even spent hundreds of dollars on soundproofing, only to have Mary Kay continue to berate them, often yelling “Shut up, you’re so loud!” through the ceiling.
“Then she resorts to calling the cops on us every single day for almost two weeks,” she said. One morning, she was awoken by cops banging on her door at 7 a.m. saying, “We’re getting noise complaints about you,” to which Rayna Jean replied, “I’m in bed, what do you mean you’re getting noise complaints about me? I am in my bed, you woke me up out of my bed!”
Nevertheless, Rayna Jean and her husband were continually blamed for the noise by both the cops and the landlord. Finally, she made her landlord go into Mary Kay’s apartment to actually listen to the noise — which the landlord agreed was minimal — and that’s when the real story came out: Mary Kay had run the three previous tenants out of the apartment with her nonsense. And then it got worse.
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Things finally came to a head when Mary Kay came upstairs and berated Rayna Jean while reeking of alcohol. She filmed the altercation, sent it to the landlord, and was let out of the lease, thank God. But that still wasn’t the end.
After three years of living in peace in a new apartment, Rayna Jean noticed a familiar car parked nearby. After a closer look, she determined it was in fact Mary Kay’s car. She figured she was just visiting someone, but that quickly proved naive.
“She moved into my new complex. She lives by me again,” Rayna Jean said. Thankfully, Mary Kay lives on the other side of the complex. “But I see her all the time going to do laundry, and every time she walks by me, she goes ‘hmm,'” and makes a nasty face.
She was so unnerved by the situation, she decided she had to give her new property manager a heads up about this lady. And when she did, the property manager immediately responded that they’d already begun getting tons of complaints from the exact same lady.
Rayna Jean got some criticism from TikTokers for “letting Mary Kay win,” especially since in some cases, her situation might be grounds for a civil harassment suit in some states. But she shared that due to a panic disorder she has, living above Mary Kay was simply impossible unless she was heavily medicated, so leaving was their only recourse — which just goes to show how truly terrible a bad neighbor can be.
In any case, Rayna Jean has since figured out small ways to get the last laugh — like driving Mary Kay crazy by removing a single sock from her laundry in the laundry room. At least she can slowly drive her mad while the complex completes eviction proceedings!
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John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.