On Tuesday, March 18, we have an interesting thing happening in each zodiac sign’s love horoscope for the day. A truth may be uncomfortable when it comes out, and you may become aware of imbalances in your romantic life. Awareness of your inner truth is essential to your romantic relationship.
As the Scorpio Moon aligns with Venus retrograde in Aries, these imbalances may be how you are loved, yet they could also represent the plans you make and what each person brings to the relationship. An imbalance, though uncomfortable, isn’t always a reason to break up, but it is a call to reflect and hopefully improve your relationship.
Truth will help you understand why you’ve felt disconnected or unfulfilled recently; however, it also invites you to reflect on what you will do with this new knowledge. In a relationship, it just doesn’t come down to what you are going to do but what you and your partner choose to do to improve matters.
While you may feel frustrated or upset by a reciprocal love or relationship, ultimately, you owe it to yourself to speak up and talk with your partner. Only by doing so will you understand if this relationship is meant to be saved or if it only served as a lesson in how you deserve to be loved.
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Give yourself a chance at a new beginning, Aries. Today’s energy of the Scorpio Moon and retrograde Venus in Aries will bring to light the effort or energy you’ve put into your current or past relationship and that of your partner.
There may be some harsh truths today as you realize that any challenges weren’t only your partner’s fault.
There is a silver lining, though, as you can use this knowledge to make amends or become better in your next relationship — you have to be willing to be honest with yourself.
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Love is truth, sweet Taurus. Love isn’t only about romance, what is most beautiful, and how you and your partner move through a difficult time together.
While there have been challenges recently in your relationship, you can finally speak about them as the Scorpio Moon and retrograde Venus in Aries align.
This energy will help you advocate for what you need, along with the feeling that you’ve been doing so much while not receiving nearly the same in return. Don’t discount any feelings; instead, use this energy to acknowledge what has been happening in your relationship.
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Focus on what you want, not what you don’t, Gemini. As the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, you will have clear insight into what you seek in your romantic life.
In the past, when you’ve spoken up in relationships, your needs have been trivialized or minimized by partners. This has made you less vocal or honest in your current relationship.
However, today is a chance to address this situation finally. You need a life outside your relationship, including a lively social circle. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; be honest about who you are.
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No relationship fails, Cancer. Just because a relationship doesn’t last forever doesn’t mean it fails, especially as many connections come into your life to help you learn what you want.
As the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries today, you can heal these wounds of failure that have had you accepting less than you deserve.
You are not broken, nor have you failed in any relationship. Instead, you have learned how to be better and what better looks like. Take this and allow yourself to move forward with someone genuinely aligned with your soul.
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It’s time for you to claim the life you want, Leo. This also includes the romantic relationship that you’ve dreamed of. While you may need to wait until April to take full action, today offers you a valuable opportunity as the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries.
This energy will help bring clarity and closure to any long-standing confusion involving a situation in your life and will help usher in new beginnings.
You deserve what you bring to a relationship, but it may also be time to realize it will not be found in your current connection.
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Address the elephant in the room, Virgo. Although you’ve tried to pretend otherwise or ignore the truth, in your heart, you know that something has been off in your relationship. It’s not on you to continually do the work in a relationship or be the one that is the planner.
Yet part of that is you no longer taking that role and discussing matters with your partner. As the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, you can honestly discuss the resentment brewing.
What you need from the person you are with. It is time to finally address your feelings, as it’s the only way to improve your relationship.
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Value your peace, dearest Libra. You tend to bring peace into your relationship, sometimes at the cost of your own self. This sense of peace is being mindful of your partner’s feelings and needs and not wanting to introduce unnecessary drama.
However, as the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, you may realize that you have started valuing your own peace, especially if your partner isn’t bringing it into your life.
Your partner’s drama is not yours, which means it’s also not your job to fix anything. While you value peace, right now, you may want to focus on it for yourself rather than continuing to exert yourself in your relationship.
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Be open to love, Scorpio. You know what you want, but you must also ensure you’re open to receiving it.
Today, as the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, you will encounter a divine meeting with someone new or have a profound moment in your current relationship.
This chance is all about manifesting the romantic life you’ve always desired, but you must ensure you’re fully open, just like you want your partner to be. Don’t be afraid to look hard at yourself; it could make all the difference in your romantic life.
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The past does not define you, Sagittarius. You are not defined by what you’ve risen above, the mistakes that you’ve made or the regrets that you hold onto.
You can decide at any time to have a new beginning based on care, respect, and mutual love.
But to achieve that, you must extend the same grace to yourself as you are to your partner. You don’t need to be worried you’ll slip back into any old patterns, but if you truly want a new beginning, it is time to forgive yourself and move on.
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Let yourself be supported, Capricorn. You are always there for others in the most consistent way possible. However, you often entertain fair-weather lovers for far longer than you should because of your desire for stability.
You deserve the same consistency you provide, though, whether that involves your romantic past or a current relationship.
Take time as the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries to reflect on the support and presence you require in a relationship, ensuring it’s on par with what you bring to the table.
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Everything is always changing, Aquarius. As the Scorpio Moon aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, you must let yourself embrace change. Just because you made a previous agreement in your relationship doesn’t mean it aligns with who you’ve become.
This isn’t a formal contract, but the plans or unspoken agreements that have dictated the course of your relationship.
You now want more than what you once settled for, which means it’s time to address what you hoped would change. Empower yourself to address the situation to see if you and your partner are aligned.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace your dreams, dear Pisces. You are being encouraged to step into your worthiness to seize a new romantic opportunity that will come into your life today.
This may be a new person or an offer from a current partner that elevates your relationship. Pay attention to what arrives with the Scorpio Moon as it aligns with retrograde Venus in Aries, as you must ensure you embody what you truly deserve.
While you often encourage others to know their worth, this is a chance to walk your own talk and be willing to take a chance on everything you’ve always wanted.
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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.