Pregnancy Test in Home : Home pregnancy test is usually very accurate. If your test comes positive, it can be considered almost certain that you are pregnant. However, it is better to consult a doctor and get a blood test done after the test, so that it can be completely confirmed.
This test detects hormones Hormones made in the body (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone begins to form in the body after conception, usually within 6 days.
How to test?
If the test is done correctly, it can be accurate up to 99%.
HCG in the body increases rapidly in the early days of pregnancy. Its volume doubles every 2-3 days. Therefore, test will give the most accurate results to test 1-2 days after menstrual.
Sometimes the test can also give wrong negative or wrong positive. This can cause:
If you suspect the results of the test, then test again after a few days.
In olden times, people also used to guess pregnancy from home remedies. However, these are not scientifically certified.
The pregnancy test at home can be accurate up to 99%, but if there is doubt, it is necessary to get a blood test done with the advice of a doctor. HCG increases in the early days of pregnancy, so the right time to test is 1-2 days after the menstruation is released. Traditional methods can be interesting, but are not scientifically certified.