The Odisha Staff Selection Commission () has released the Preliminary exam admit card for the Leave Training Reserve (LTR) Teachers-2024 under Advt no-4231/OSSC dtd 22.10.2024. Eligible candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website .
The OMR mode (Preliminary) exam will be conducted on March 23 for two hours. The paper will consist of 100 questions of 100 marks. There shall be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
The aims to fill 7540 vacancies, of which 2487 vacancies are for female candidates.
Steps to download LTR Teacher admit card 2024Visit the official website
On he homepage, click on the LTR Teacher 2024 admit card link
Key in your login details and submit
Check and download the admit card
Take a printout for future reference
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website .