Freezing Dead Bodies: Death is a truth that no one can deny. Even though science has achieved great success in reaching the moon and curing diseases, but has failed to defeat death till date. Nevertheless, in many parts of the world, people are freezing the dead body with the hope that there will be some technology in future that can give them life again. This unique process is named Cryonics. Let us know what this technique is cost and how it works.
Cryonics is a technique in which the dead body is preserved at extremely cold temperatures. Scientists believe that the body does not end completely after death, but it can be a deep unconscious state. He claims that such technology can develop in future that can revive these protected bodies. According to reports, so far, bodies of about 600 people worldwide have been freezed through Cryonics. Especially in the US and Russia, this trend is growing rapidly where more than 300 bodies have gone through this process.
Cryonics is not a cheap technique. According to the famous US company Elcor Cryonics, the cost of preserving the entire body is $ 200,000 (about Rs 1.60 crore). After this, every year it has to be spent $ 705 (about Rs 52,874) to take care of it. Australian company Southern Cryonics has also recently claimed to preserve a corpse at -200 degrees Celsius. Although scientists do not confirm that this is possible, but people are spending a hefty amount in the hope that a miracle will happen in future.
Companies claim that in the next 250 years, such technology can come that can revive these protected bodies. Although American scientist Dr. R.K. Gibson says' There is no such technique at the moment. People are just taking this step in hope. Nevertheless, this technique is like a dream for those who want to beat death. Will this be really possible to tell this time.