As soon as the summer starts, the terror of mosquitoes starts increasing. These small insects can look modest, but give rise to deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya and zika virus. If vigilance is not taken in time, then these diseases can prove to be fatal.
If you also want to protect your family and protect your family, then you have to take some important precautionary steps. Know the easy way to avoid mosquitoes in the summer season, so that you and your family can stay healthy.
With the increase in temperature in summer, moisture in the atmosphere is also high, which is favorable for mosquitoes to flourish. Especially stalled water, dirt and moist places rapidly increase the number of mosquitoes. This is the reason that it becomes very important to be cautious in the early days of summer.
Mosquitoes are carriers of many serious diseases. These include prominent.
1. Malaria – The female anopheles spread by mosquito bites, which include high fever, chills and weakness.
2. Dengue – Edis is caused by mosquito bites, which causes high fever, headache, lack of platelets and joint pain.
3. Chikungunya – This may cause high fever, unbearable pain in the joints and skin rashes.
4. Zika Virus – This virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women and can cause severe deformities in newborns.
If the right measures are adopted at the beginning of summer, then diseases caused by mosquitoes can be avoided. By adopting some easy and effective measures given below, you can keep yourself and your family safe:
Protect from stalled water – Mosquitoes thrive rapidly in stagnant water. Do not allow water to accumulate in coolers, pots, tires and other places around the house.
Use mosquito nets and repellent – Use mosquito nets at bedtime and apply mosquito -fleeing cream or spray on the body.
Keep the house clean and dry – Clean places with dirt and moisture, because mosquitoes thrive fast in such places.
Wear full sleeve clothes – Especially in the evening and morning, wear light colored, full sleeve clothes, so that mosquito bites can be avoided.
Spray fogging and anti -mosquito drugs – Sprayed anti-mosquito drugs in the house and surrounding areas and get fogging from time to time.
Use neem and basil – Mosquitoes stay away by burning neem leaves in the house or planting a basil plant.
It is very important to prevent mosquitoes during the summer season, because diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya can prove to be fatal. By adopting a little vigilance and cleanliness, not only you can protect yourself, but also your family and the whole society from these dangerous diseases.