Easy way to break coconut: Learn how to do it without hard work
News Update March 19, 2025 05:24 PM

Benefits of coconut and difficulty peeling

Life Style News. Coconut is considered extremely beneficial for health. It contains important electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. This is why experts recommend drinking coconut water. In the context of eating, whether it is coconut chutney or sweets, the taste of every recipe is amazing. But when it comes to peeling it, many people have difficulty. It is easy to peel dried coconut, but peeling water with water becomes a challenge.

Measures to break coconut quickly

People often complain about peeling coconut. While peeling it, there is a number of injuries in the hands. If you are also facing this problem, then there is nothing to worry about. Today we will tell you some simple ways to break and peel coconut quickly.

Coconut breaking method

Remove the fibers above it before breaking the coconut, this will make it easier to break the coconut. Then take a heavy object and attack coconut. Coconut should always be hit in the middle, so that it breaks into two pieces. When it opens, you can easily remove coconut pulp with butter cutting knife or spoon.

Scraudriver use

Break with a screwdriver

Take a screwdriver and make a line above the three eyes of coconut. Follow this line carefully and try to break the coconut from it. This will break the coconut into two parts and the inner fall will also come out easily.

Method of time


Take a coconut and place it in a plastic bag. Keep coconut in the fridge for 5-6 hours or overnight. Then take it out and remove the plastic, let it remain like this for half an hour. Now break the coconut with a hammer and the peel will also easily come out.

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