If your blood pressure is always high, then this news is very important for you. The problem of high BP has become common in today's run -of -the -mill life, and if it is not controlled, it can become a big threat to health. But don't worry, because by working something easy before sleeping, you can keep your blood pressure balanced. Our team talked to health experts and has prepared this article based on their suggestions, so that you can get reliable and useful information. Let's know the five tasks that will be under your BP control by doing the night before going to bed.
First of all, a little walk before sleeping can be beneficial for you. After dinner, a light walk of 10-15 minutes not only improves your digestion, but also keeps blood pressure normal by reducing stress. Health experts say that a light -hearted walk increases blood circulation in the body, which gives relief in high BP problem. If you cannot go out, take a walk in the house. This small step can bring a big change for your health.
The second important task is to make a habit of taking deep breath. Doing deep breathing for 5-10 minutes before bedtime calms your brain and reduces stress. Stress is considered the biggest enemy of high blood pressure. When you take a deep breath, the oxygen levels in the body rise and relax the nervous system. This makes your BP number gradually come into control. Try it daily and feel the difference yourself.
Thirdly, it is also effective to bathe with warm water before bedtime or soak the feet. Bathing with warm water causes muscles to loose and relax the body. If it is not possible to take a complete bath, then take hot water in a tub and immerse your feet in it for 10-15 minutes. This method has been going on since old times and even today, doctors consider it an easy way to control BP. It helps to stabilize your blood pressure and also sleeps.
Fourth, avoid tea-coffee or heavy food before bedtime. Caffeine and more spicy food can suddenly increase your blood pressure. Instead, eat light food and drink a glass of lukewarm milk. The elements present in milk reduce stress and are helpful in controlling BP. This recipe is not only good for health, but also gives you peaceful sleep at night.
The last and most important is to keep your mind calm before sleeping. Mobile phones or TV distance them and do meditation for some time. Practicing the mind has a positive effect on blood pressure. If you find meditation difficult, listen to light music or read a good book. This is the easiest and effective way to keep your BP balanced.
Our aim is to give you such information that makes your life better. For the past several years, we have been working on health - issues and together with experts prepare advice that is reliable and effective. By adopting these five easy methods, you can control your high BP and move towards healthy life.