Other major findings showed that emotional stability varies according to age, with more stability in older adults and more variability in young adults. The study also displayed high retention rates, suggesting that the participants found the value in monitoring themselves during the day. The respondents were most happy to join cultural and social activities, eat or spend time with friends and family. Several previous studies have shown that exercise helps to better manage stress. This is because exercise mainly helps control stress hormones; And releases endorphins – which is good to promote mood and relieve pain, which creates a sense of welfare.
Regular exercise also improves sleep quality, but often it is disrupted due to stress, which helps reduce stress. Exercise increases self-esteem and improves mood, which increases control and flexibility in facing stress. Stress is a major health problem. It can lead to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Stress can also make non-communicable diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and cancer worse. Other stress - health conditions include gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome, weak immune system and skin problems. It can also affect menstrual cycle and fertility. Every year about 17 million working days are wasted worldwide due to the stress of work, depression or anxiety.