Rust in animals and humans in Bijnor! People attacking leopards by making herds; The forest department said-don’t do so
Rahul Tiwari March 20, 2025 05:21 AM

In Uttar Pradesh Kabjanore, leopards are constantly attacking people and hunting. At the same time, people also killed many leopards. The body of an adult leopard has been found in a sugarcane field near Chandpuri village in Bijnor range on Wednesday morning. Leopard has bruises on the head and throat. After getting the information, the forest department officials reached the field and took the bodies of the leopard and sent it for postmortem.

The conflict between humans and leopards in Bijnor has not stopped. In the last three years, leopards have killed 33 people. At the same time, more than fifty leopards have lost their lives in struggle with humans. The body of a leopard has been found in the sugarcane field of Chandpuri village on Wednesday morning. Leopard has bruises on the head-throat. Forest department officials took the leopard's body and took possession of the leopard.

Leopards are suffering from the anger of the villagers

According to the data of the forest department, more than five hundred leopards are living in the sugarcane fields of the district. Those who often attack the farmers and laborers working on the fields. At the same time, now farmers are also engaged in doing all the work by surrounding leopards by taking barshi, spears and sticks. On February 28 this year, the leopard named Suman in Chaudhadi village of Chandpur range made his victim. After which the bodies of three leopards were found lying in different fields.

However, the Forest Department had caught the leopard who took Suman's life by planting pijra. But now this struggle seems to be taking a decisive turn. The ground reality is that upset and angry villagers are engaged in killing and chasing leopards from the fields, troubled by the attacks occurring in the coming days.

This appeal being made to people

DFO Gyan Singh of Bijnor Forest Department said that hundred villages have been included in the leopard dominated category. From where one hundred and fifteen leopards have been rescued by cage. Those who have been left in the zoos and forests. Eight teams of the forest department are running a village-to-village awareness campaign to stop human wildlife struggle. Teams of forest creatures friends are ready to help the villagers for patrolling at night. He has appealed to the villagers not to attack the leopards. As the heat increases, leopards also start coming on the ponds of the villages in search of water.

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