Christchurch's Haeata Community Campus school has suspended the student who allegedly attack a couple of teachers using a pair of scissors on Wednesday (March 19) as his conduct was found to be "harmful or dangerous example to other students". The 16-year-old student had attacked the teachers in front of several students.
The school authorities have also instructed the student to attend a board meeting in the next one week. The next course of action against the student will be taken only after the board members discuss the alleged attack and suspension. The student can be reinstated and the suspension lifted, the period of suspension can be extended and other conditions imposed, or in the extreme case the student can be excluded from the school.
"An ākonga/student has been suspended from Haeata Community Campus following the assault of two members of staff. A full investigation has been initiated and a report is expected to be provided to the Haeata Community Campus Board early next week. The members of staff involved are safe and well and resting at home. The ākonga/student involved is being supported by the kura/school and whānau as is required under the kura’s Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy," school principal Dr Peggy Burrows stated in a post on the school's official Facebook page.
Giving details about the alleged attack, Dr Burrows added, "On Wednesday, 19 March 2025 two kaiako/teachers were assaulted by an ākonga who was holding a pair of scissors. This assault occurred just before 2.00pm and was witnessed by a number of ākonga/students and kaimahi/staff. No ākonga/students were assaulted or suffered physical harm."
"The incident has triggered the suspension of the student involved. The Manukura/Principal Dr Peggy Burrows made this decision because she was satisfied that the ākonga/student’s behaviour met the test of gross misconduct that is a harmful or dangerous example to other students at Haeata Community Campus, pursuant to section 80(1)(a) of the Education and Training Act 2020," the post read.
"The ākonga/student involved is now required to attend a Board suspension meeting next week. The ākonga/student will not be permitted to attend school until the Board has met to discuss their suspension. The Board will consider the options available to it, which are to: a) lift the suspension (with or without conditions) which means the ākonga/student can attend school again full-time, or b) extend the suspension with conditions for a reasonable period of time, which means the ākonga/student remains out of school temporarily and has conditions to meet before they come back to school, or c) exclude the ākonga/student from Haeata Community Campus which means they must leave the kura/school and must attend another kura/school because they are under 16 years of age," the principal added.
According to the school principal, the investigation report into the attack would be ready in a week. "As this matter is currently subject to a formal investigation process no further comment will be made by Haeata Community Campus until the investigation report has been provided to the Haeata Community Campus Board for their consideration."
Police were called in soon after the attack and are investigating the incident which happened at around 2pm New Zealand time in the primary section of the school.
One of the teachers, who was attacked, suffered a cut on the palm while the second victim received injuries on head. Both of them were taken to a hospital for treatment but neither required hospitalisation. They were sent on paid leave leave for the week to recover. The affected teachers can stay on paid leave till they feel comfortable to return too.
The school authorities have also instructed the student to attend a board meeting in the next one week. The next course of action against the student will be taken only after the board members discuss the alleged attack and suspension. The student can be reinstated and the suspension lifted, the period of suspension can be extended and other conditions imposed, or in the extreme case the student can be excluded from the school.
"An ākonga/student has been suspended from Haeata Community Campus following the assault of two members of staff. A full investigation has been initiated and a report is expected to be provided to the Haeata Community Campus Board early next week. The members of staff involved are safe and well and resting at home. The ākonga/student involved is being supported by the kura/school and whānau as is required under the kura’s Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy," school principal Dr Peggy Burrows stated in a post on the school's official Facebook page.
Giving details about the alleged attack, Dr Burrows added, "On Wednesday, 19 March 2025 two kaiako/teachers were assaulted by an ākonga who was holding a pair of scissors. This assault occurred just before 2.00pm and was witnessed by a number of ākonga/students and kaimahi/staff. No ākonga/students were assaulted or suffered physical harm."
"The incident has triggered the suspension of the student involved. The Manukura/Principal Dr Peggy Burrows made this decision because she was satisfied that the ākonga/student’s behaviour met the test of gross misconduct that is a harmful or dangerous example to other students at Haeata Community Campus, pursuant to section 80(1)(a) of the Education and Training Act 2020," the post read.
"The ākonga/student involved is now required to attend a Board suspension meeting next week. The ākonga/student will not be permitted to attend school until the Board has met to discuss their suspension. The Board will consider the options available to it, which are to: a) lift the suspension (with or without conditions) which means the ākonga/student can attend school again full-time, or b) extend the suspension with conditions for a reasonable period of time, which means the ākonga/student remains out of school temporarily and has conditions to meet before they come back to school, or c) exclude the ākonga/student from Haeata Community Campus which means they must leave the kura/school and must attend another kura/school because they are under 16 years of age," the principal added.
According to the school principal, the investigation report into the attack would be ready in a week. "As this matter is currently subject to a formal investigation process no further comment will be made by Haeata Community Campus until the investigation report has been provided to the Haeata Community Campus Board for their consideration."
Police were called in soon after the attack and are investigating the incident which happened at around 2pm New Zealand time in the primary section of the school.
One of the teachers, who was attacked, suffered a cut on the palm while the second victim received injuries on head. Both of them were taken to a hospital for treatment but neither required hospitalisation. They were sent on paid leave leave for the week to recover. The affected teachers can stay on paid leave till they feel comfortable to return too.