1 large (150 grams) raw carrots
1 large (75 grams) raw beetroot
1 large (75 grams) old raw potato
2 tablespoons olive oil
black pepper
Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Peel the carrots and cut very thin slices (if you have mandolin it will happen very quickly, otherwise slices carefully with a sharp vegetable knife). Dry the slices well in a clean tea towel and put it in the mixing bowl. Add a quarter of oil and mix well, then arrange carrot slices into a layer on a quarter of a large nonstick baking tray. Do a season well with salt and pepper.
Repeat this process with every remaining vegetables, keep them separately on the baking tray. Bake for 6-8 minutes or until every vegetable is golden and completely cooked – carrots can cook a little early compared to beetroot and potato.
Remove from the oven, do a little more season and let it cool. Eat the same day.