Live Hindi News:- Excessive exposure to blue lights coming out of digital devices can negatively affect your skin.
Dermatologists say, “Blue lights can enter the depth of the skin. Its prolonged contact can make the skin grow quickly and can increase pigmentation.”
More use of digital devices and closeness of screen can cause photo aging.
Many brands are now developed skincare products for protection from blue lights. These products include antioxidants and physical UV filters.
These products can help prevent skin premature aging, such as pigmentation, lines and wrinkles.
1. Use the filter on the screen and turn your phone into dark mode at night.
2. Apply sunscreen regularly. Use sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. They are thicker and prevent blue lights from entering the skin.
Select the right skincare products.
Combine antioxidant products and sunscreen.
The effect of blue lights can be avoided by the involvement of active ingredients such as niacinamide, zinc oxide and iron oxide in skincare products.