Do you know how much salary a primary school principal gets in UP? Read here for complete information about compensation, allowances, and possible increases from the 8th Pay Commission under the 7th Pay Commission!
The salary of a primary school principal in Uttar Pradesh depends on their qualification, experience, and location of the school. Their pay scale is fixed under the 7th Pay Commission, but there may be possible changes in it from the 8th Pay Commission. In this article, we will know what is the current salary, what factors affect it and how much it can increase with the implementation of the 8th Pay Commission. If you are in the education sector or are interested in this subject, then this information can be important for you.
Current salary as per 7th Pay Commission
Currently, according to the 7th Pay Commission, the salary of the primary school principal of Uttar Pradesh comes under Level 12. The basic salary at this level can start from Rs 56,100 and go up to a maximum of Rs 1,77,500. This range is quite large as it also takes into account the experience and years of service of the principal.
Additional allowances and benefits
Apart from the basic salary, principals also get several other allowances that increase their total income. These include:
Dearness Allowance (DA): This allowance is updated from time to time according to the inflation rate. Currently, it is a significant percentage of the basic salary.
House Rent Allowance (HRA): This allowance may vary depending on the classification and location of the city. HRA is less in smaller cities while it is higher in bigger cities.
Medical Allowance: This allowance is available in some states for health-related expenses.
Combining all these allowances, the total monthly income of a principal becomes much higher than the basic salary.
Effect of experience
Experience has a direct impact on the salary of the principal. As experience increases, the salary also increases. In the initial years, the principal gets the minimum pay scale, but it keeps on increasing with the years of service. Usually, there is a fixed percentage increment in salary every year. Apart from this, there can be a significant increase in salary when there is a promotion or implementation of a new pay scale.
Effect of school type and location
The salary of the principal also depends on the type of school. In government schools, the salary is determined as per government rules, while in private schools it is decided by the school management. Apart from this, the location of the school also affects the salary. Principals in schools located in urban areas usually get higher salaries than those in rural areas. However, principals working in rural areas are sometimes given special allowances or other benefits.
Possible changes from the 8th Pay Commission
Recently, the Central Government has approved the formation of the 8th Pay Commission. Its main objective is to review the salaries, allowances and pensions of government employees and pensioners. With the implementation of this commission, the salary of all government employees including the primary school principal is expected to increase.
Experts estimate that if the fitment factor in the 8th Pay Commission is fixed between 2.6 to 2.85, then the salary and pension can increase by about 25-30%. For example, if the fitment factor is 2.86, then the minimum basic salary can increase to Rs 51,480. In such a situation, the salary of the primary school principal is also likely to increase significantly. However, the exact figures will be clear only after the recommendations of the commission and the approval of the government.