Luck Favors 3 Zodiac Signs All Week From March 24 – 30, 2025
News Update March 21, 2025 04:24 PM

This week, from March 24 – 30, 2025, luck favors three zodiac signs. Eclipse season encourages you to look within, and these three zodiac signs find ways to create good fortune that generates opportunities.

Within periods of review where your dreams have stalled out, the universe is working for you. When time slows, or it feels like there is a divine pause, you are being called to see what you have previously missed. Within this opportunity, embrace a divine redirection and move toward the fate meant for you.

On Thursday, March 27, Venus retrograde will shift into Pisces, remaining there after it stations direct on April 12. Venus is the planet that governs finances and real estate. She also helps you live a life you love — independent from others. In Pisces, what once seemed impossible now seems possible. Yet, you can embrace faith to use this energy for your greater good. Don’t discount any ideas or opportunities; see it as the universe helping redirect your path.

This energy will be intensified as Mercury retrograde returns to Pisces on Saturday, March 29. Mercury represents how you think, how you communicate and what agreements you make in this life. In Pisces, there will be a period of review involving what you have settled for versus what you truly desire.

While you should hold off signing any new contracts until after April 7, once Mercury is direct, you can use this time to help further your cause, especially with Venus retrograde in Pisces. You will have to take a chance, which can feel like a stretch; however, believe that if an opportunity returns, it means it’s meant for you.

The end of the week will bring the New Moon solar eclipse in Aries on Saturday, March 29, along with Neptune shifting into Aries on Sunday, March 30. The solar eclipse marks the last in a series occurring since 2023, while a New Moon marks a new beginning. Try to lean into this energy where it may feel like events are shifting rapidly in your life. Trust that you will become closer to your dreams when all the dust settles.

When Neptune dips back into Pisces later this year, before permanently moving into Aries at the start of 2026, you get a sneak preview of what this energy will feel like so that you can use it to your advantage later. Feel what fuels your soul and trust that you are always being led to where you are meant to be.

Luck favors three zodiac signs all week starting March 24 – 30, 2025:

1. Gemini

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Become creative in how you achieve your goals, and you’ll soon see that luck favors you. You work so hard in your career to fulfill your life purpose, so now isn’t the time to give up. You may struggle to prove yourself in the workplace or deal with frustration over wage increases not aligning with what you feel you deserve.

However, all of that will begin to change as Venus retrograde enters Pisces on Thursday, March 27. This new energy will allow you to reflect on where you can make small shifts to garner big results. A key component of this will be to honor what you deserve and don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself.

Venus retrograde will move into Pisces on Thursday, March 27 and remain there once to stations direct on April 12. From now until April 12, you are urged to reflect on how you’ve attained success and what you’ve been focusing on.

You may have to juggle some personal responsibilities around this time as you continue to work toward your dreams, but it is a period that will pay off for you. It is all about honoring your worth and reflecting on ways to increase your professional reputation and finances. The time for action won’t occur from April 12 to April 30 once Venus is direct.

: 4 Zodiac Signs In Their Abundance Era Until November 2025, According To An Astrologer

2. Cancer

cancer luck favors zodiac signs week march 24 - 30, 2025 Design: YourTango

You have to be willing to take a chance, Cancer. You can’t let your desire for safety or comfort ruin your chances at abundance and the life you dream of. It can be hard to take a chance and trust that it will all work, even when you don’t see how. During this phase, you will be infused with a deep sense of faith and hope, allowing you to be open-hearted to new opportunities. Most importantly, be honest with yourself about what you genuinely want.

Beginning on Saturday, March 29, Mercury retrograde will shift into Pisces, highlighting your house of luck, abundance, and new beginnings. From Saturday, March 29 to April 7, Mercury will continue to retrograde in Pisces, helping you to understand what you must do to have a new beginning.

Expand your horizons beyond what seems possible to you. From April 7 to April 16, once Mercury is direct, take action. Use this time to start to put plans into motion. Take a leap of faith, and let yourself move toward your dreams because you deserve to live the life you’ve always desired.

: The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From March 24 – 30

3. Leo

leo luck favors zodiac signs week march 24 - 30, 2025 Design: YourTango

Explore what resonates with your soul, Leo. This new perspective invites you to step away from previous plans or visions that you had for your life that were based on external validation. Rather than thinking that your life must look a certain way to be deemed successful, you will focus on your connection to the world and how you feel.

This new lens will heighten your spiritual connection to yourself and the divine, opening a meaningful and abundant phase of your life. There may be learning curves. You will practice releasing what truly isn’t needed, but it will allow you the space to explore life and understand what it means to live on purpose.

You’ve been enmeshed within the Aries and Libra eclipse cycle since 2023. Things have changed. How you see and understand the world is different. With the final eclipse in this series occurring in Aries on Saturday, March 29, you will enter a profound time of clarity. The New Moon solar eclipse in Aries will allow you to understand what the past few years have meant to your life and where you are currently being directed.

Aries energy also rules your house of luck, abundance, and travel. You may start a new adventure that will enrich your soul and life. This intensifies as Neptune shifts into Aries this Sunday, March 30, and it will stay through October 2025. This is part of a bigger fourteen-year cycle that is just beginning. Give yourself time to process this energy and surrender to experience the luck it represents.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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