Baking Soda Health Risks : Baking soda is often used in our kitchen. Whether it is to make a hot bhature on the weekend or spongy cake, baking soda is useful every time.
It is also called sodium bicarbonate, which not only enhances the taste of food, but sometimes helps in curing health and small skin problems. But do you know that if it is used excessively, it can also harm your body?
Yes, especially heart patients must know about its side effects. Let us tell you today how much consumption of baking soda can be overwhelmed on your health.
Baking soda may increase the risk of heart attack
Baking soda contains an element called sodium bicarbonate. If it is consumed in large quantities, it increases the level of sodium in the body. This can cause risk of increasing blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack later.
Many research has also revealed that taking more dose of baking soda can increase the chances of cardiac attack. So if you are a heart patient or there is a problem of high blood pressure, then use it very carefully.
The cause of potassium deficiency in the body
When you take more baking soda, increase the amount of sodium in the body can deteriorate the balance of potassium. You may feel weakness, fatigue and sometimes there may be a complaint of muscle cramps when there is a deficiency of potassium.
These small problems can take the form of great trouble later, so it is important to pay attention to its quantity.
Foolishing and gas problems
Do you know that excessive use of baking soda can also harm the digestive system? Indeed, when baking soda combines with acids present in the stomach, there is a chemical reaction.
This causes gas in the stomach and can cause flatulence. Many times this gas is made so much that there is heaviness and restlessness in the stomach.
If you already have problems to digestion, use baking soda very carefully.
Bad effect on teeth health
Many people also use baking soda to clean teeth, but more use can make it harmful. Baking soda can damage the outer layer of teeth, ie the enamel.
This makes teeth more sensitive and can increase problems like cavity or gums irritation. The enamel protects the teeth, and if it gets spoiled, many teeth of teeth can begin.
Diarrhea and dehydration risk
Taking excessive amounts of baking soda can cause stomach irritation, swelling and diarrhea. This is because excess of sodium present in it can disturb the stomach.
Due to diarrhea, there is a lack of water in the body, which increases the risk of dehydration. If you are having such a problem again and again, then the intake of baking soda should be reduced.
How much baking soda should be taken in a day?
If you want to use baking soda, then take it in limited quantity. Health experts recommend that more than half a teaspoon of baking soda should not be taken in a day.
If you have a health condition, such as a problem to high blood pressure or heart, then first consult your doctor.