Wife: Why do you stay in mobile all the time?
Husband: Because this is the only thing that talks to me without scolding!
Golu went to the bank and said to the cashier:
Golu: Brother, you have to extract 10 thousand!
Cashier: Passbook two!
Golu: Brother, you have to withdraw money, don't marry bank!
Boss: Why do you come late every day?
Employee: Sir, I attend your meeting even in my dream, so it is important to complete sleep!
Teacher: What will you do if someone comes to kill you?
Student: Guruji, there are two options!
Teacher: What?
Student: I will either run away or get married!
Santa: My wife is very expensive!
Banta: Then you will be very harmful?
Santa: Yes, when my salary comes out less than her shopping!
Wife: I want to do some shopping!
Husband: Give List!
Wife: Just two things are required – saree and jewelery!
Husband: So no list, let the bank statement remove!
Doctor: Who do you feel the most afraid?
Patient: From wife!
Doctor: Hey, don't you be married?
Patient: That's why you are scared!
Santa ordered tea at the hotel.
Waiter: Sir, milk separate or mixed?
Santa: Brother, bring tea only, I did not come to make tea myself!
Pappu: Brother, what are the benefits of getting married?
Golu: After marriage you can smile anytime without reason, because your wife will ask – “Who are you laughing at?”
Teacher: Why didn't you pass the exam?
Student: Sir, I was near, but the teacher wrote my name in the last, then it failed!
Funny jokes: if someone without hard work