March 22, 2025: Tarot Card Readings for Every Sign of the Zodiac
Rekha Prajapati March 22, 2025 11:27 AM

Aries (Five of Cups): Your companion is reluctant to reveal anything with you because of their negative habits, which further heightens suspicions. You can have anxiety over a task’s outcome and, despite your best efforts, find yourself trapped. You may proceed more easily if you ask an experienced expert for guidance. Due to disagreements between the two families, there is doubt about your marriage to your sweetheart. Now is the moment to put the past behind you, concentrate on the here and now, and make plans for the future. Even though you may have just experienced a loss, moving beyond it is crucial to rebuilding. Don’t allow a broken or terminated relationship to control your emotions; instead, adjust to the situation so that it doesn’t interfere with other aspects of your life.

Taurus (Queen of Wands): You could run across a witchcraft-leaning lady; don’t let her make you superstitious. You may be assigned a task; give it your best effort and skill. Although you have always been kind to everyone, you do not tolerate being constrained by anybody. You don’t hesitate to cut someone off your way if you think they aren’t behaving up to your standards. A lady might assist you find a mate if you’re looking for a romantic or marital relationship. However, use caution since a lady who is really shrewd, cruel, and conceited may enter your life and cause problems with her negative outlook and actions.

Gemini (Five of Swords): You could unexpectedly see a previously unanticipated aspect of someone’s behavior. You may never expect this individual to break your confidence. It’s possible that a relationship that only brought you shame and contempt may cease. You may keep your distance from self-centered individuals. Tasks that are stalled will probably pick up speed. People who have exploited your generosity are slowly disappearing from your life. Attend to your parents’ medical needs. It could be helpful to meet someone with experience. Try to finish the things you haven’t finished since you could have some unresolved issues. Financial development opportunities are coming up, but you could be torn between right and wrong. It is feasible to invest in future ambitions. A little disagreement might turn into a fight. Your life could undergo a big shift, but it will be for the better. Moving forward from the past is the wisest course of action.

Cancer (Nine of Pentacles): Your transformation from a haughty and self-centered person has taken everyone by surprise. One way to find serenity is to forgive people for their faults. After overcoming obstacles and setbacks in the past, you are now financially stable enough to achieve your goals. You have a strong belief that your dream of purchasing a large home will soon be realized. You are aware that success requires consistent work without giving up. You have constantly reflected on the past and sought to better yourself. Any endeavor you engage on has a higher chance of success when you have a positive outlook. Refrain from establishing any negative habits. It seems that your attempts to advance your connection with your sweetheart are paying off. Additionally, your ambition of starting your own company is about to come true, and you could soon hear about getting your ideal employment. You may still feel as if something is lacking in your life in spite of all of this.

Leo (Three of Swords): Exercise caution while sharing your opinions with coworkers. Never put so much faith in someone that you wind up disclosing all of your private information since there’s a chance it might be made public in the future. When someone acts too nice, be wary since they could be trying to trick you. Losses might result from placing too much trust in someone at this time. Refrain from participating in any arguments. Take your time; finish one activity before beginning another. You should work calmly and patiently since rushing through jobs might lead to unneeded issues. Although you think positively, attempt to make your life more stable. If you have received a marriage proposal, don’t decide until you have given it careful thought and gathered all relevant facts.

Virgo (Nine of Swords): You might feel encircled by darkness and stuck in a circumstance with no obvious way out. Something is really bothering you, and you’re having a lot of relationship problems. A little situation has been blown out of proportion because you have let so much negativity into your mind. Your sweetheart is not talking to you at the moment because of this altered behavior. You will immediately see changes in your relationships if you take a constructive approach to solving your problems. A situation that has been bothering you is coming to a conclusion, but your mind is still in a lot of turmoil. There will be better prospects in the future, but it is imperative that problems be resolved quickly. Consult an expert to discover a solution if a persistent problem has been interfering with your job. Every scenario will progressively become better with effort.

Libra (Ten of Wands): You have been devoted and accountable to your job since you were a little kid. But all of a sudden, you feel overburdened by the abundance of obligations that have accumulated. You feel alone while you manage all of these responsibilities. Your workload has increased unexpectedly as a result of a colleague’s departure, making it difficult to handle everything effectively. You could think about talking to your superiors about your worries. Your family is disappointed and frustrated by your angry behavior because of your busy schedule, which prevents you from spending meaningful time with them. But the long-held desire to go to a serene location is about to materialize. A transfer that comes with a work advancement will send you to a place that fits your aspirations. You had previously cut off contact with a buddy because of their bad intentions, but a recent reunion has made amends. You two could feel ashamed of what you did in the past.

Scorpio (Seven of Swords): You should use caution and vigilance at this time if you have a lawsuit that has been ongoing in court for a while. Your rivals could use unethical tactics to influence a commercial decision in their favor. The timing is right, but give it considerable thought before providing money to anybody. Do not continue without the necessary paperwork if you are contributing a significant amount. Even if your coworkers could offer immoral solutions to problems at work, you should utilize your brains and discernment to overcome them. There is a chance that someone at work may attempt to mislead authorities against you. Refrain from offering unwanted advice and from discussing your future goals with others. In addition to a move in your position, you can get news of a promotion.

Sagittarius (Two of Cups): You’re reluctant to make new acquaintances because of resentment from former relationships. You may now attempt to put the memories of a failed relationship behind you, but the anguish still aches within. When a new employee joins your company, there will be apparent changes and the atmosphere will be more lively than before. You may think about starting a company with a buddy, which might pay off well in the long run. Colleague relationships could also become better. Avoid combining personal and professional ties, however, since this may cause issues down the road. Your life will change for the better, and you could get a number of attractive marriage offers. Couples without children may achieve their goal of becoming parents. You could get excellent scores on competitive examinations and get the job you want.

Capricorn (Eight of Cups): If, despite your best efforts, you have been failing at a task repeatedly, it is time to consider if your strategy is flawed. Politics at work and envious coworkers are making you feel more stressed. The news of a promotion and transfer may provide relief as you begin your job hunt. Relocating to a new location and workplace will allow you to let go of painful memories from the past. The present moment is not favorable, and there can be ongoing challenges in the commercial sector as well. You will get greater outcomes if you wait a little while before starting a new business. Try to let go of the memories of the past. When long-standing conflicts with your spouse become intolerable, you may have to leave your marriage. It’s possible that you two have agreed to break up.

Aquarius (Seven of Cups): Sometimes major issues might arise if a work is not completed with full care and attention. Planning requires careful consideration of a few key factors. Minor problems might sometimes appear insignificant, yet they can cause serious problems for you at work. You are now involved in a scenario where dangerous obstacles have arisen due to the failure to pay attention to specific aspects. Since hurry and carelessness may make things worse, try to find a solution with patience and poise. It might be disheartening to hear about a promotion and transfer, and the unfamiliarity of the new place could be upsetting. But it seems like you’re starting to have some wonderful chances in your career. Make use of your discernment to choose the finest one and proceed. Even though a new connection could seem extremely alluring, proceed with caution since it may eventually become a commitment.

Pisces (Three of Wands): All of a sudden, fresh avenues for prosperity can become available. While keeping your employment, you can think about agreeing to a proposition to become a partner in your close friend’s company. The moment is right for you to launch a new business. There may be some more work involved, but I am certain that this diligence will pay off well in the long run. You could look at prospects in a different place, and studying or working overseas is quite likely. Additionally, you have a strong belief that you will be able to get a significant job in your profession within the next year or two. Keep a balanced attitude to whatever you do. Have faith in the process because anything you do now will pay off later. Remain aware of your surroundings and refrain from altering your relationships or your job in response to provocation from others. You are the one who knows what is best for you and your life.

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