World Poetry Day 2025: The having poems in the story of life gives a different color. Poems hold a different and important place in everyone's life and describe emotions. Poetry is the poem to put things in the rhythmic lines. Today, World Poetry Day is being celebrated all over the world which tests poems and hidden expressions of the world.
Let me tell you that, poems in a few words make the heart describe the heart. If poems show the destination to the destroyer, then they also become the support of a broken heart. World Poetry Day is celebrated here to show the best poems and respect for their poets. World Poetry Day is celebrated every year on 21 March. This day tries to spread the beauty, expression and unique composition of poetry to the people.
Let us tell you that, celebrating the day, dedicated to World Poetry Day, was started in the year 1999 from the 30th session of UNESCO in Paris where World Poetry Day was declared on 21 March. Here the theme of this day varies every year, in this year, the World Poetry Day Theme is 'Peace Age a Bridge for Peace and Inclusion' i.e. 'Poetry as a bridge for peace and inclusion'.
1-Break the rice, she will become beautiful-Kedarnath Singh
Break the rock
She will be beautiful
Break him more
She will become more beautiful
Now pick it up
Keep it on the shoulder
Take it to a city or town
Pour at a crossroads
Let him heat in the sun
When children come
Will find your faces in it
Now pick it up again
Take this a river or the sea shore
Leave in water
Write that name on it
Which is buzzing inside you
She will become a boat
Now break it again
Stand the rock again in the same place
Pick it again
Put it in a foundation
Under a broken culvert
Give him
Keep it on the head of a tired man
Return now
You have completed your work
If the shoulders are hurting
No problem
Sure on the shoulders
May the shoulders be sad
Find more
Any new rock!
2- Our bird queen-Mahadevi Verma
Bayan our bird queen
Bringing the straws and built the palace,
Hanging on high cast,
Bringing grains from the fields again,
Water fills with rivers.
Will not know you far away,
Will fill the courtyard with grains,
And we will fill in the hazo,
Sweet-sweet cold water.
Then when you will from the egg,
Little children will leave then,
We will be monitored by them.
Then when you go out on them,
Will fly away,
We will be with you then
You don't cry bird queen.
3-Nijhar-Maithilisharan Gupta
Break up the obstacle,
I walked the stone.
Plusing the earth's layer,
Leveling multi -cavity trough,
I come to the bound,
I walked the stone.
The desire for the paravar-malan,
What do I care about the route?
My path is automatic flow,
I go to add life,
I walked the stone.
Many people are unknown,
By making them Shiva,
By doing their consecration,
I grow my new new turn,
I walked the stone.
Greenery is with me,
A hundred colors in my particle,
Still see the way of the world,
I turn to twitch,
I walked the stone.
The new color is sustained,
Heat of every tax sorrows,
You make your path,
Leave everything behind,
I walked the stone.
Welcome everyone,
Do some juice here,
My life is a glorious anthem,
period! My competition with you,
I walked the stone.
4-Staying with you-Sarveshwaradayal Saxena
Stay with you
Often i feel like this
That directions have come near,
Every path has become smaller,
Worldly confined
Has become a courtyard
Which is packed,
No solitude anywhere
Neither outside, nor inside.
The size of everything has decreased,
Trees are so small
That I put my hands on their head
I can bless,
The sky collides with the chest,
Whenever I want, I can hide my face in the clouds.
Stay with you
Often i'm felt
That everything has a meaning,
Even the grass shaking,
To come through the window of the wind,
And on the sun wall
To go up.
Stay with you
Often i have thought
That we are not inability
Surrounded by possibilities,
Every wall can be gate
And complete full from every door
The mountain can pass.
Strength if limited
So everything is infirm,
If the arms are small,
So the ocean is also limited,
Strength is only another name for desire,
The land between life and death
She is not of destiny.
5-Drinking Chinese Tea-Agnay
Drinking tea
I am thinking about my father.
You ever
Drinking tea
Have you thought about father?
Not good
Thinking about fathers.
It opens its kalai.
We could have been some other.
But the difficulty of thinking is that it shows
That we would have been something else
So the father would have been closer
They would have been more like them.
How far do you have to go from father
To be like a father!
Father too
Used to drink tea in the morning
Is that too
Used to think about father-
Near or far?