Instagram reels will scroll automatically. You will not even need to touch the display. The work will be done by your speaking. But how will this happen? You can do this very easily. For this, you just have to do a small setting on your smartphone. After this, you will be able to scroll reels for hours without touching them. This trick seems no less than magic. You can try it immediately.
The work will be done after this process.
How can Instagram reels scroll without touching? If the same question is coming to your mind, then quickly follow the easy process given below. For this, first open your smartphone. After this go to the option of setting. If you scroll down a little, the option of accessibility will show. Click on the option of accessibility. Now click on Setup Voice Control here.
After this click on the option of Create New Command. Now say Next in your voice here. After this go to Run Custom. Click on New Command again here. Now slide your finger on the screen in the direction in which you scroll Instagram reels. This means from bottom to top. Now click on the save option shown in the right corner. After this, go to Instagram and watch the reels by saying Next without touching.
Instagram's control is in your hands.
You can maintain your privacy by creating a list of close friends on Instagram. Through this, your story and life will not be shown to unwanted people. Set privacy as to who can see your story and live and who cannot. With this, only the people included in the list will be able to see your story live. Turn off read receipts to hide activity status.
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