Nowadays adulteration has become very common in the spices available in the market. Turmeric, chilli, coriander, garam masala, cumin and other spices are often sold with polishing chemicals, artificial colors and fake items. This can be very harmful to health. In such a situation, consuming it causes serious diseases like food poisoning. Therefore, it is very important to identify that the spices you are using are not adulterated.
Check the purity of spices at home
Turmeric: To make turmeric powder more shiny, metanill yellow or chrome powder is added to it. To check it, take a pinch of turmeric powder with a little wet hands and rub it. If there is a feeling of light polish on the hand or the color appears more bright, then understand that it has adulteration. Apart from this, add turmeric to the water, if its color starts missing immediately, it can be adulterated.
Chili powder: Often red chili powder is added to artificial colors, brick powder or salt powder. To check this, add chili powder in a glass of water and shake. If the red color spreads rapidly in water, synthetic color can be added to it. At the same time, if the chillies freeze and the water remains clean, then understand that the chili is real.
Coriander: Coriander powder is often contaminated by dirty seed powder, yellow or other adulteration. To check it, take some coriander powder in your hand and rub it. If it smells strange or its color starts changing, then it may be adulterated. Real coriander powder has a natural aroma and its color does not change quickly.
Garam Masala: To check the adulteration in hot spices, mix it in water. If it swims in water or the color of the water changes, it means that it is adulterated. The real garam masala is always stable in water and does not change its color.
Salt: If the salt looks very white and shiny, then there may be a chemical added to it to increase its whiteness. The real salt is light white or pink in color and its texture is natural.
Cumin: Often polishing chemical or fake seeds are added to cumin to increase weight. To check it, rub cumin on your palm. If your hands look full of oil and have a strange smell, then understand that it has adulteration.
tea leaves: Tea leaves are often mixed with iron powder or synthetic colors. To check this, place the tea leaves on a paper and take a magnet near it. If it contains iron particles, it will stick to the magnet. Apart from this, put tea leaves in water, if the water turns black quickly, then understand that color has been added to it.
Fake spices are harmful to health
The purity of spices is very important because fake spices are harmful to health. Eating fake spices can cause stomach problems, allergies and other health problems. Through these simple tests at home you can identify whether your spices are real or not. Always buy good brand spices. Avoid buying spices in bulk and check spices sold in the local market before purchasing them, as they are very shiny and cheap.