On March 23, 2025, four zodiac signs receive powerful signs from the universe, so open up your hearts and minds to the message. On Sunday, the Moon opposite Mars states its case and becomes known to us. We will get chills during this day, as the astrological power of the Moon opposite Mars brings us both insight and foresight.
Mars energy works wonders when it comes to delivering an all-time wake-up call. We will not only see this sign very clearly, but we’ll know exactly what to do with it. Moon opposite Mars represents strength in opposition and we will stand up for ourselves in a big way throughout this day.
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You can’t deny it, Gemini, the signs are everywhere. The universe is trying to tell you on March 23, during the transit of Moon opposite Mars, that you have to take action right now. You are about to save your own life.
Don’t worry, it’s not that urgent, but it is important. While all that sounds threatening, on this day, you get an idea that you cannot keep to yourself any longer. You must share, because when you do things change.
And they change for the better which is all the more reason why you cannot hold on to this idea. You are an influential person and your words are meaningful. So use this Moon opposite Mars transit to get your point across and save the world!
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During this day’s Moon opposite Mars, you may experience a sense of urgency, as if you’re supposed to do something important, but you don’t know exactly what that something is. Don’t worry, the signs will point the way.
Yes, it sounds so very mystical, but then again, you’re a mystical person, Cancer. When you pick up on a sign from the universe, you pay special attention. The sign of the day points you in the right direction.
Soon you will see very clearly what you’re supposed to be doing, as Moon opposite Mars is a fairly pushy transit and will not leave you in the dark with this information. You will accomplish something great on this day, Cancer. Hang in there.
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When revelation takes over, you feel chills and thrills because as a Sagittarius, you live for this stuff. The “stuff” is, in fact, new knowledge. On this day, the transit of Moon opposite Mars brings you the idea that you’re about to try out a completely new experience.
It is also very, very positive and that’s how you like it. You feel done being bogged down by everyone’s negative attitude and so the universe is basically handing you a map that shows you how to avoid falling into those traps.
Moon opposite Mars will show you what you’ve done wrong and how to make good on it. This, you will adapt to instantly. Mars energy isn’t always kind but it always gets the job done.
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When you receive a sign from the universe, you question whether it is as important as it seems, or if it’s just something that’s in your imagination. During this day’s Moon opposite Mars, however, things escalate rather quickly.
You’re going to see something special in something ordinary during this day, March 23. The sign you’ll receive may look like something you see every day, except during this Moon opposite Mars, you will notice it’s quite different.
This insight will also get you to choose a different path — something out of the ordinary that leads you to something vivid and amazing. Newness awaits you, and you are ready for it, Pisces.
: 3 Zodiac Signs Have A ‘Life-Changing Experience’ In March 2025, According To An Astrologer
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.