You must have heard about many people in your life who have seen death very closely. Many such a story comes to hear that this person became alive again after death. According to a study, most of the people who experienced death very closely found that their entire life repeats in front of them. Although this is no less than a film story, this study can definitely make you think. Explain that when the scientist Jimo Borjigin, who studied the nervous system, was shocked when he was experienced. He wanted to know what is happening in the mind while dying?
There are some beliefs that death is not the end of life, it is a new beginning. However, till now our knowledge about this is very less. Scientist Borjigin realized the condition of his brain at the time of death about 10 years ago. However, this is no less than a coincidence. Borjigin said this to the BBC. He said that “we were experimenting on mice and after surgery, checking the chemical changes in his brain”.
However, during this time he informed that two mice died in this research. But this has given them many important information. They came to know what are the changes in the brain during the dying process. Research found that one of those mice released a lot of chemical named serotonin while dying. It gave information that the rat was getting confused with the brain? He informed about this, “Serotonin is associated with the confusion of the brain”. It controls chemical mood. After which he started wishing to know more about it. After which he started investigating books.
Regarding this, he told that, “After this research, I started looking for it in books at the end of the week. I was looking for a reasonable reason behind it.” A research conducted on mice in 2013 found that many chemicals of the brain have strong activity after the heartbeat of mice. They found that serotonin increased by 60 times during death and dopamine has also increased by 60 times. This made it clear that dopamine which is a chemical that makes you feel good. It was released rapidly, that is, the rat must have had a relaxation at the time of death. However, in the study so far, it was found that there was a sharp response in the mind at the time of the death of mice.