Tax season can be a top priority for some or something to dread for others, while some might not think much of it. But one thing’s certain in the U.S.: Everyone must file taxes. As mundane as the dreaded task might be, the fact that we all have to participate can actually shed some light on different personality traits.
Marriage and family therapist Dr. Marisa T. Cohen said the date when a person files their taxes reveals a lot about their personality. As a relationship therapist for the dating app Hilyshe recommended asking questions about how a person files their taxes as a way to discern compatibility.
Surprisingly, a recent survey by Hilywhich polled millennial and Gen Z Americans, found that half of the participants view those who file taxes early as more responsible partners. Additionally, one in three young daters find someone who handles their taxes themselves more attractive than those who ask for help. In fact, 27% of young American daters might even use tax season as an excuse to go on a date instead of filing taxes.
Dr. Cohen explained that people who file their taxes early enjoy finishing tasks ahead of time, value organization, and get satisfaction from checking things off their to-do lists. In contrast, those who wait until the last minute often prioritize tasks based on importance, showing flexibility and time-management skills. However, procrastination typically drives last-minute behavior.
Writing for Verywell MindKendra Cherry MSEd, explained that procrastination occurs when we delay tasks, especially unpleasant ones, even though we know it will cause stress later. She said, “The reality is that if you wait until you’re in the right frame of mind to do certain tasks (especially undesirable ones), you will probably find that the right time simply never comes along and the task never gets completed.”
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According to Dr. Cohen, people who file early and those who file at the last minute can both manage their time effectively. The difference lies in how they prefer to pace their tasks.
Some prefer to space out their work overtime, while others tackle everything in one sitting. Dr. Cohen noted that this approach often reflects how they handle tasks in other areas of their life.
Think of it this way: You’ve got people who meal plan ahead of time to ensure that their evenings are stress-free and easy, and you’ve got people who decide what to make for dinner as they’re staring into the fridge after a long day at work. Both people make dinner; they just get to the end result in different ways.
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Dr. Cohen suggested that how a person files their taxes reflects their coping skills. Those who file early tend to plan ahead to avoid the stress of looming deadlines and manage anxiety by completing tasks well in advance. In contrast, those who wait until the last minute prioritize immediate tasks, focusing on what feels most urgent at the moment.
If you plan on asking your date or partner about their tax filing habits, Dr. Cohen offered some sage parting advice: “There are strengths and weaknesses to both approaches to filing taxes (early or last-minute). Having an opposite style doesn’t mean you are incompatible with your date. It simply means that if you are proceeding with a relationship, it is best to open up a conversation to share how the other person’s style is impacting you. Remember to approach this conversation with curiosity rather than judgment so that both people feel respected and heard.”
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Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.