Nowadays the use of camera has become quite normal to make photos and videos. But when we use DSLR and camera words, it is important to understand what is the difference between these two. If the camera says, it means all kinds of cameras. It includes smartphone camera and point-end camera etc. At the same time, DSLR is a special kind of camera. Come, let us understand what is the difference between these two here.
DSLR is a digital camera. Its full form is Digital Single-Lens Reflex. This professional photographers and photography are quite popular among enthusiasts. DSLR has one of the most important mirror system, so that what you are seeing while taking photos is visible from the lens of the camera. It works through flap and reflex mirror, due to which it is named DSLR.
When it comes to normal camera, it means all types of small and easy cameras. It includes point-end camera, smartphone camera and mirrorless camera. These cameras are small and light. It is very easy to use them. In this, you do not get big lens or mirror system. Due to which they are more compact and portable.
The DSLR camera has the option to change the lens. You can apply different lenses according to your need. Wide angle lens, telephoto lens, etc. can be used in this. In addition, it has an autofocus system and manual focus for more control.
A large mirror is given in DSLR. It reflects the light before reaching the sensor. Because of this you see real-time view.
You do not get to see this system in a normal camera. You can understand this like this. For example, your smartphone camera has only digital screen, so that you can only see the view seen on the screen.
The size of the DSLR camera is quite large and heavy. To use them, you have to hold the camera with both hands. There may be some tiredness to hold it for a long time.
Normal cameras are small and light. You can easily fit them into your pocket or bag. They are portable and can be used easily during the journey.
You get many customizations and controls in DSLR camera. In this, you can set ISO, shutter speed and aperture, etc. according to your account. You can change each setting manually.
Normal camera has less settings. Most cameras only work in auto mode. Which gives you less control.