Premanand ji maharaj: As the world is changing, in today's time, people's thinking and understanding about love affairs has changed a lot. Everyone has love in life, whether it is tomorrow or today. But many times people's love remains incomplete and later they do not reach there. In such a situation, we love someone else and we get married to someone else. This situation has become very common in today's time.
Marriage does not mean only two people to be with them, but it is that there is a sacred bond that demands a lifetime, unconditional love and trust in each other. This is not just a social relationship, but also a emotional relationship between two people. Many times people explain themselves in such a situation, forgetting their old love, they are married with it and try to have a beautiful relationship with him. In such a situation, the question arises whether we should tell our husband or wife about their old relationships or hide.
Premanand Ji Maharaj has shared some of his thoughts in this subject, if you also have this confusion in your mind, and you are not getting a solution to this confusion. So today we will tell you in this article what Premanand Ji Maharaj says about this? Premanand Ji Maharaj is not interested in any identity, Premanand Ji Maharaj is known to everyone from elders to children, then let's know his thoughts.
Premanand Ji Maharaj says that both love and faith are very important in any relationship. The relationship between these two becomes very strong and goes long. He said that after marriage, every person should be completely loyal and honest towards his life partner. The first relationship with someone, no matter what, if you are married then you should be completely honest with your husband and wife. This honesty and loyalty not only strengthens the relationship but also creates deep love and faith between the two.
Premanand Ji Maharaj says that even though your pre -marriage love life is very happy, has been very memorable, but after marriage, one should leave his past behind and pay attention to his current partner after living a happy life. Premanand Ji Maharaj says that talking about old love or remembering it again and again can bring negativity in your relationship, these things and memories can have a bad effect on your married life.