Summer Pot Water Tips: The summer season has started, in this season, everyone is looking for ways to get rid of the rising temperature. At the same time, in summer, everyone has a summer of cold water, so they seek cold water. Getting fridge water is not in everyone's luck, especially for Bachelor. Many times there is no light, so hardly you are lucky to have cold water. Out of all these things, our desi method i.e. pot water is popular today. The water of the pot is also best for the heat temperature along with health. In such a situation, in this season, if you are thinking of keeping the pot water cool forever, then today we will give you information about special tricks.
Here you can try the trick being mentioned here to cool the water of Matka which is as follows…
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Here in the summer season, if you are drinking pot water and have adopted this type of trick, then its work is very easy. There are very small holes on the surface of the pot here, causing evaporation of water. For this reason, the water inside the pot remains cold. Many times these hole closes. In this case, salt and vinegar helps to open them back. Next time you can try this easy trick while drinking pot water. You get benefit from this special trick.