News update: Every woman wants her hair to be long and thick, but it is not possible for everyone. Many women use various shampoos and oils, but still they do not get satisfactory results. Today we will tell you three home remedies, which can make your hair quickly and dense.
Let's know:
1. Onion juice:
Onion is used in food, but do you know that it is also beneficial for your hair? First, take two onions and grind them in a mixer and extract the juice. Then, with the help of cotton, apply this juice to the hair roots and leave it for half an hour. After this wash it with cold water. By doing this remedy twice a week, your hair will become long and shiny.
2. Use of Amla:
Amla is a very beneficial fruit. You can grow your hair by using its powder. Take two teaspoons of gooseberry powder and add two teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Apply it to the hair roots and leave it for some time. Then wash it with water. With this remedy, your hair will grow rapidly and will also be dense.
3. Use of Ginger:
Ginger is used to enhance taste in food, but it is also beneficial for your hair. Take some ginger and grind it in a mixer. Then, apply this paste to the hair roots and leave it for some time. After this wash with shampoo. Do this remedy twice a week, which will make your hair long and thick.