Water Importance: Every person has the necessary water in his life, without it, it cannot be imagined. Human body is about 60 percent rich in water. If the water is not in the body, then the condition of dehydration is created, such a situation is often found in summer. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily so that there is no lack of water in the body. Due to dehydration, the body does not become healthy in any situation as, you know that our body loses water through sweat, urine and breath.
Since, a lot of water is lost from the body. Here all these organs should be drunk plenty of water to supply water. Let us know how much water should be drunk in a day or in which conditions increase the amount of water…
Here the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine has given information about the need for water in hydration and every section. Women should drink 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water every day and men should drink 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water every day. This includes beverages like water, tea and juice and fluids from food. You get 20 percent water on an average from your food. Here the method of hydration in the body or water supply should be up to about 8 glasses. That is, you have to keep the amount of water in your body close to 2-3 liters.
Although 8 glasses of water is correct every day, but many situations are such that you can increase the amount of your water. Let us know about it…
1- If both body temperature and outside temperature are different, then it should be stabilized with water. In summer, the temperature often feels thirsty as you feel more thirsty.
2- Exercise or workouts causes a lot of sweat. For this, you have to increase the amount of water. The exercise or marathon which takes more hard work should be drunk in plenty.
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3-If you have a health condition that causes thyroid disease or kidney, liver or heart problems, then you can increase the amount of water during the intake of these medicines. In this, you should drink more water in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opiate pain medicines and some antidepressant medicines.