The month of March is about to end, so you have very little time left for income tax planning. You will not get this opportunity after March 31 because the new financial year is going to start on April 1. In such a situation, know about 5 such schemes of post office which can prove to help save income tax along with giving you great returns.
The Public Provident Fund is one of the favorite schemes of the people. In this scheme, you are being given interest at the rate of 7.1%. This scheme matures after 15 years. In this, a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 1.5 lakh rupees can be deposited annually in a financial year. This scheme can help you in making big money in the long term. This scheme is placed in the EEE category, due to which tax benefits are available on investment, return, and maturity.
If your daughter is below 10 years of age, then you can invest in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) in her name. Under this scheme, 8.2 percent interest is being given. In this, you can deposit from Rs 250 to Rs 1.5 lakh annually. Money is deposited for 15 years and when the daughter turns 21, the entire amount including interest is returned to the investor. Like PPF, this scheme also comes under the EEE category, in which tax exemption is available on investment, interest, and maturity amounts.
Post Office TD
You can also save tax by investing in Post Office Time Deposit (Post Office TD), also known as Post Office FD, but for this, you will have to invest in a 5-year FD. Tax benefits are available on 5-year FD, there is no tax benefit on FD with shorter tenure. 7.5% interest is being given on a 5-year FD in the post office. It allows you to claim tax deductions of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Like Post Office FD, you can also get tax benefits along with profit by investing in NSC. You can start investing in NSC with Rs 1,000. There is no maximum limit. Currently, 7.7 percent interest is being given to it. Investment can be made in this for 5 years. In this too, you can claim a tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under 80C.
It is clear from the name of the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme that it is for senior citizens. In this scheme, senior citizens can invest for 5 years and save tax. In this, investment can be started from 1,000, and maximum up to 30 lakh rupees can be invested. 8.2% interest is being given on this scheme. In this too, tax exemption can be claimed under 80C on investment up to Rs 1.5 lakh annually. But the interest received in this is taxable.
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